Xiaomi watch news: wearable to beat the Apple Watch?

Xiaomi is out on a new endeavor and it marks its not-so-baby-ish steps in clambering from the third spot to the top. While it still involves taking down Apple, the real news here is its jump to the smartwatch field. Just like its rival from Cupertino, the Chinese manufacturer-on-the-rise is facing every tech firm head on with an unnamed tech timepiece reportedly in development inside of its fort. 

If the new reports bear the facts, Xiaomi is working on an ultra-thin timepiece that will be putting on a big circular dial over a brushed metal exterior. This design will make it look like an HTC One M9's companion for its alleged matching veneer.

It is likely to make use of Google's Android Wear software, which will allegedly support a feature called pulse wave velocity identification technology. What this does is identify wearers of the smartwatch via their individual pulse waves by gauging the arterial stiffness and the rate upon which pressure waves move, as GSM Arena explained. This, however, should take most of its battery life. Times of India says that this ambitious function will likely gobble up the battery's power. 

Apart from that, there are no more concrete details about the purported Xiaomi smartwatch. But if the Chinese tech firm decides to face off with the Apple Watch with their own wearable, it should come in a high-grade package and a less hefty price tag. 

It seems that Xiaomi is against Apple owning the entire spotlight. Bearing this in mind, tech enthusiasts can expect that the so-called Apple of China will give the real Apple a run for its money. Xiaomi continues to expand not only its reach but also its product portfolio. Just recently, it put the Xiaomi Redmi 2 on flash sale in Singapore. It is also speculated that its flagship smartphones are already waiting to be unbolted.