Year for London Makes Urgent Call for Churches to Pray: 8, 12 February
Due to a number of churches having problems fulfiling their prayer dates, London's churches are now urgently asked to sign up for these 2 remaining dates for February:
Thursday 8th February
Monday 12th February
Already many dates beyond this are fulfilled into March and later in the year, but it is vital that the chain of prayer is not broken.
The Year for London requires that every minute of every day throughout the whole of 2007 London's churches will be praying with the focus of "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done". Hundreds of churches have already signed up to take one-day slots where the church congregants will come together to create a chain of prayer fulfiling all 24 hours in their slot.
All churches please unite together at this time, and if your church can take one of these dates to pray for the Year for London call urgently:
020 8208 8981
079 5693 9010