YMCA to Celebrate 150th Anniversary at St. Paul’s

The YMCA will celebrate 150 years since the aims of the Christian charity were agreed, known as the Paris Basis, as well the founding of the World Alliance of YMCAs.

|TOP|The YMCA’s Annual Thanksgiving Service, to be held Thursday 10 November at St. Paul’s Cathedral, will double as a special service to celebrate the 150th anniversary.

The main highlight of the service will be a sermon from President of the YMCA, Dr. John Sentamu, who has provided an African theme for the event.

‘Tensing’ groups, the name given to the groups of young people who take part in performing arts at different YMCAs around the UK, will perform Christian songs from around the world, accompanied by African drums.

“Our Movement has developed and changed considerably in 150 years but our core work remains supporting vulnerable young people,” said Kevin Williams, YMCA England’s National Secretary. “Today we are seeing young people struggle with family breakdown, homelessness, alcohol and drug issues, financial difficulties and lack of access to education and training.”

He added: “Our annual service is an opportunity to thank God for our Movement’s past, all the people that make it what it is today and to look forward to our future as a charity with a Christian ethos that supports over a million young people each and every year.”

The YMCA’s position today as global leader in Christian service is a long way from its meagre beginnings in 1844 when the very first YMCA was founded by George Williams as a small prayer meeting and Bible Study group held above a draper’s shop.