You want to be a vicar?

|PIC1|Everybody has a childhood aspiration, a dream that they will one day become a pilot, a nurse, a doctor or a dancer. But how many children are interested in becoming a vicar?

The Church of England is not usually seen at careers fairs and in general many adults, let alone children, are unfamiliar with the day-to-day life of a priest. But thankfully, all that is changing.

Last September, Neil Blay and Vicky Johnson went along with videos, posters and leaflets to a massive careers convention at Canon Slade School in Bolton to talk to students about what it means to be called by God and live out this vocation as a minister in the Church of England.

Being a vicar today may involve working with people, being a community leader, dealing with life's big questions, helping people when they need you most and being an environmental campaigner.

|PIC2|Neil and Vicky were both keen to stress the variety and diversity of 'the job' and the fact that each day presents new possibilities and projects. "Every day is different," said Neil.

They were both surprised and encouraged by the interest they received from students aged between 14 and16. "It was a real privilege to talk to students about our vocation," says Neil. "To be present at events such as this makes ministry a more visible option for students thinking about their future direction in life."

Students were able to watch a DVD about the kind of situations which parish clergy face and talk about life as a vicar. "We were delighted by the response," says Vicky.

"We were kept busy by a steady stream of boys and girls who wanted to know more about ministry in the Church. We found that most of the children we spoke to were already part of worshipping communities, so it was good to make connections with them on their terms."

It is hoped that the display can be taken to other schools, colleges and universities in the future. If you know of a school or group who would be interested in receiving more information about young vocations or receiving a copy of the DVD, 'Your DVD', please contact Rev David Sharples on 0161 708 9366.