'Young and Restless' spoilers: Jack plans his return, Victor protects his loved ones

Thursday on "The Young and the Restless," Avery called Dylan and told him that someone had been on the balcony and was spying on her. She said she didn't think about calling the police. Their conversation got cut off, and Dylan told Sharon that he was going to Avery's place and asked her to call 911.  

Mariah arrived and Sharon told her all about what happened at Avery's. Mariah thought that Dylan might cheat and that Avery was faking an emergency to get him back, but Sharon told her that Dylan is loyal to her. 

At Newman, Marco pointed a gun at Victor, who was certain that the former would't pull the trigger. They argued, and Victor said that the magazine was empty and told him to shoot. Marco did and the gun clicked. Phyllis walked in and said that their secret was out. She confronted Marco/ Jack about having a long lost son. She wondered if Victor spilled the beans in exchange for the merger. Victor said she was off base and left. Phyllis confronted Marco about keeping secrets from her, and he told her that she knows more about him than anyone and that he loves her. Phyllis saw the gun in his pocket and demanded an explanation. He said that he thought Victor might try to kill him. 

Dylan arrived at Avery's place and she told him that a man in a trench coat was on the balcony. Paul and a police officer arrived and as they looked around, Avery admitted to Dylan that she's scared of Joe. Sharon arrived, and Dylan told Avery to call the police next time something like that happens. Avery told Sharon that she wouldn't bother Dylan again next time, and Sharon said that she was glad that she's okay. 

When Sharon opened the door to go, Joe was there. He said he wanted to talk, and Sharon stayed. Joe said that he was not the person on the balcony, but Avery saw that he was wearing a trench coat and made him leave. 

Here's what to expect on "The Young and the Restless" on Friday, June 19: 

Kyle tells Marco to get Bingham to do his dirty work next time; Marco says that Gabe is not his son; Victor protects his loved ones and tells Summer, Noah, and Abby that they are dealing with a dangerous person who killed three people; Jack plans his return. 

"The Young and the Restless" airs Mondays to Fridays at 12:30 p.m. on CBS.