Young Christians encouraged to save sex for marriage

Young people will be encouraged to save sex for marriage at their special Valentine’s event called True Love Waits Valentines praise party.

Anita and Kelechi Amadi have been married for eight years and serve as youth leaders at the London Miracle Centre (LMC) in Tottenham, north London. They are also the founders of, a website set up to encourage young believers to use their Christian principles in every area of their lives.

They will share with the 500-plus people expected to attend True Love Waits on February 13 why it’s important to save sex for marriage.

The youths will also be presented with a free booklet written by Anita called Why You Should Wait, which tells readers why God wants them to save sex for marriage.

Anita states, “Even though I was brought up in church and gave my life to Christ at a young age, my faith was not strong enough to withstand temptation, so when I met a guy at university, I allowed nature to take its course and fell pregnant as a teenager. I knew from my upbringing that my lifestyle was not pleasing to God, and heard him calling me to return to my faith.

“I eventually did and worked on re-building my relationship with him. I wrote the book True Love Waits in 2006 because I realised that it’s best to save sex for marriage, which is also the best relationship in which to raise a child. I was blessed in that I ended up marrying my child’s father after he committed his life to God, and we are now youth leaders at our church.”

She added, “I now want to help young people to avoid the pitfalls I faced as a young Christian and help them to realise that it is possible to live for God, enjoy your life and save sex for marriage.”

Kelechi, believes young people need to recognise that it’s faith in God and following His teachings that will give them the strength to resist temptation. He said, “People look at me now and think that I’ve always been in church, but the truth is I do what I do by the grace of God. I came to faith at 19, but by then I had got a girl pregnant, been to jail … you name it, I had done it. But God turned my life around and now I live my life using my God given gifts to spread the good news that a life in Christ is the best way and that it is better to have sex after marriage and not before.”

Aside from giving away the What You Should Wait booklet, the youths will also receive a free DJ-K mix CD, free chocolates and sweets and enjoy live performances from a range of gospel artists including Rachel Kerr, Tunday, Sharon Rose, Michaela the poet.