Young people make call for dignity, respect and justice

As part of the YMCA Youth ‘IN’ Justice Conference, young people from across the country came together in Westminster last week for a successful march and lobby on Parliament calling for Dignity, Respect and Justice in the criminal justice system.

The young campaigners called on MPs to pledge to speak respectfully about young people, particularly during a general election campaign, and asking Government to deliver on its promises to provide greater education and reintegration support for young offenders.

They also called on Government to take action to reduce the number of young people in prison and ensure custody is only used as a last resort.

Prior to the lobby, over 120 young people and YMCA workers took to the streets of Westminster with handmade banners and youth justice t-shirts to publicly vocalise their passions about youth justice before turning their efforts to Parliament.

Cathy Jerrard, Team Leader of YMCA Offender Services Unit said, “Helping young people reach their full potential is at the heart of our work.

"This conference allowed young people to no longer be on the sidelines regarding youth justice, but to be active players in changing the record on how young people are perceived by society.”

Once inside of Parliament, there was cross-party participation in a two-hour question time debate with young people and numerous members of Parliament. Afterwards, young people were given the opportunity to personally meet with their local MP.

YMCA England National Secretary Ian Green said, “Whether you recognise that young people are in conflict with the law or not, the words used both by politicians and in today’s media overwhelmingly describe young people in negative, often criminal tones.

"This lobby on Parliament allowed young people from across England to meet with their local MPs to tell their side of the story.”

Preceding the lobby on Parliament there was a two day conference on youth justice, including a debate on Wednesday with David Burrowes MP, Shadow Minister for Justice.

The Youth ‘IN’ Justice Conference was organised by YMCA England, Y Care International and the YMCA Offender Services Unit.