Younger, more modern Archie to be launched on his 75th anniversary

Fiona Staples' take on the new Archie.Twitter

For its 75th anniversary, Archie and the rest of the Riverdale High gang will be given a major makeover. The popular comic books introduced in 1941 will be reset at issue No. 1 with the help of a new creative team, led by legendary comic geniuses Fiona Staples and Mark Waid. 

On Monday, Staples confirmed the news through her Twitter account, saying: "Yep, launching a new Archie series with @MarkWaid! For those asking, I'm just pencilling the first 3 issues - Saga's schedule won't change."

The report about Staples and Waid's involvement in the Archie reboot is certainly something that would excite fans of the long-running comic book series, and it would most likely draw in more readers from the current generation.

In an interview with the New York Times, Waid stated that he is looking forward to making Archie known to the younger audiences. He also said that he wants Archie to act his age, since the character seems to be more matured in the most recent releases.

Weid said, "Over the years, some of the sharp edges have been sanded off. They are kids, and they should act as kids."

The new CEO of Archie Comics Jon Goldwater shared Weid's sentiments, saying, "I found Archie to be dusty, irrelevant and watered-down. It has taken me a while to really wrap my hands around where we are as a brand."

Five years ago, Goldwater decided to reinvigorate the "Archie" line. He started by publishing the "Life With Archie" series that showcased the Riverdale High students as adults. It recently ended with Archie's highly controversial death. Then they came up with the darker comic book series titled "Afterlife With Archie," which introduced a zombie-infested Riverdale.

Aside from the reboot and the recent published releases, Archie will also be introduced in different platforms. One of those is the TV series that will reportedly be produced by FOX, as well as the new apparel line designed by Marc Ecko.

"Archie's" reboot is expected to be launched on 2016.