Youth For Christ and My Spoon Outreach in Preston

|PIC1|The Preston branch of Youth for Christ (YFC) has on numerous occasions worked with the Christian band My Spoon.

The band was recently asked by a girls' high school in Preston to play in aid of a fundraising campaign to allow the school to become a specialised college.

A year ll student was responsible of not only inviting the Christian band to the school, but also organised the event.

Preston YFC has collaborated with My Spoon with a number of schools in the last few years.

The school recently opened its doors to a local church mission week, in which students from Capernway Bible School and Preston YFC workers take lessons in Religious Education (RE).

The schools' head of RE was greatly impressed by the content of the lessons and now wants to develop a much closer working relationship with Preston YFC and has even asked for copies of the media resources that are used in the lessons.

In addition, Preston YFC works with another school in the area, in which they are allowed to run a lunchtime club in the social area. There are over 50 students who regularly attend.