Youth Gather to Challenge, Train, and Change

|TOP|Youth leaders throughout Scotland gathered at the newhope Church at Faith Acres last weekend for a two-day event which promised to challenge, train and change the attendees.

Some 280 children and their youth leaders, arrived at the venue.

Commenting on the event, Mark Morgan of newhope Church said: "It was a fantastic weekend and all day Monday I was receiving text messages from the youth leaders saying how much everyone enjoyed themselves.”

Among the highlights was a youth leaders key note session with motivational speaker Glyn Barret, also director of Audacious, national director of Youth Alive UK and assistant minister of Hope City church. Described as a brilliant communicator Barret is widely sought after across Great Britain, Europe and Australia. |AD|

Following the youth leaders session, Barret addressed the full congregation during the evening youth service, talking with the theme 'If I was the Devil.’

In addition, live music blared in the venue throughout the weekend, as young people were also given full access to the Youth Nightbase facilities and enjoyed gaming, movies, chilling, pool and system link consoles. A bouncy castle, surf board simulator and bucking bronco added onto the fun and entertainment.

"Already folks are asking if [the youth event] is going to happen again next year so that's something we are looking at, perhaps making it a yearly event,” said Morgan.

“It can only grow from now," he added.