Youth Ministry Summer School Hits Northern Ireland

|TOP|Youth Ministry Summer School will be coming to Northern Ireland at Loughry College, Cookstown from the 20th-24th August.

Duffy Robbins, a Professor of Youth Ministry in America, will be heading a strong-line up of renowned speakers for the event.

The Methodist and Church of Ireland youth departments have been in cooperation with the Youth and Children’s department of the Presbyterian Church, as well as Youth Link in order to organise the event.

Chap Clark, a well known youth specialist and the newly appointed editor of Youthworker Journal, is one of those due to speak at the Summer School. Chap Clark and Duffy Robbins are both regular contributors to Youthworker.

Other speakers include the Belfast-based practitioner Heather Morris and the author of Essential Youth, Andy Hickford, who is a traditionally popular speaker in that region.

The main sessions of the Summer School will include subjects such as mentoring, discipleship and youth culture. Topics covered by the seminars will include leadership, pastoral care and the integration of youth ministry into church life.

The conference lasts four days and will cost £195, however there is also an “early-bird” rate of £165 before 7th July.