Youth Rally Devotion Kicks Off

|PIC1|Salvation Army ALOVE’s youth rally in UK, called Devotion, will be kicking off Saturday Feb 11th at the Watford Colosseum, where young Christians “will be exploring what it means for the ALOVE community to live a life devoted to God and be alive in him,” according to the organisation’s website.

A dynamic day of music, worship, prayer, theatre, dance, and creativity awaits young Christians at Devotion, special features including a special production of NGM’s ‘Luv Esther,’ and a worship gig night led by Electralyte. The Devotion crowd will be the first audience to hear Electralyte sing tracks from their new album.

Attendees can also visit the ALOVE Life Market Place and explore the multiple training opportunities ALOVE provides for worship, mission, discipleship and social action.

In addition, a new training course called ‘Essential’ will launch at the event, replacing the original Timothy programme, which has played an important role in training young people within The Salvation Army in the past 15 years.

The new programme aims to provide 18-24 year olds with a ‘next-step’ in life, whether it be starting a job, considering Salvation Army officership, or just looking for a change of direction.

“The course is focused on equipping young people to pursue the four ALOVE essentials of worship, discipleship, mission and social action,” says Carrie Cummings, ALOVE’s Personal Development & Training Coordinator. Representatives will be handing out an Essential guide full of information about the new course at Devotion.