Youth Revolution Closes with Over 47,000 Students

|PIC1|Over 47,000 students took on their own Goliaths in a ''Revolution'' tour that helped them overcome their everyday ''giants'' and sparked evangelism across the country. Dare 2 Share Ministries made its second annual national run to train and equip America's youths to turn their generation into Biblical truth communicators.

Drawing up to nearly 10,000 youths at a time, Dare 2 Share brought a revolution to ten cities this past year. In the last seven months, students from 42 different states joined and 1,283 new eteams (evangelism teams) were launched, adding to a total of 4,770 eteams across the nation.

Youth groups visited trailer parks and streets to share their faith. Even when met with rejection, students were inspired all the more to introduce the love of Jesus Christ to those who do not know the Gospel. A student who attended a conference in Columbus led 17 other people to the Lord, according to a Dare 2 Share spokesman.

"This was my first year going to a D2S conference, and it was a life-changing experience. My focus now is to lose my life completely for Christ everyday and to spread the gospel of Christ with boldness and clarity," said a student who attended the Atlanta conference.

Alongside the training of youth evangelists, close to 4,025 students began a new walk of faith with Jesus Christ during the national tour that focused on the story of David and Goliath.

The 2005-2006 Revolution conferences are part of the youth organization's five-year tour series which was launched in 2004 with the Blaze tour. This year, two new cities were added and two additional cities - Nashville and Chicago - will be a part of the third national run entitled "GameDay."

Over the course of five years, students are met with 90 percent new and fresh content as they are equipped with the 30 core truths of Christianity, developed from a survey of over 1,000 youth leaders across the country.

Ultimately, Dare 2 Share aims to capture the hearts of one million students by 2010 through direct training and evangelism through conference attendants.

Lillian Kwon
Christian Today Correspondent