Youth to Pray for Bulgaria

|TOP|Young people will take part in a youth outreach event with BMS World Mission in central Bulgaria this week to challenge young people in the country about their faith.

BMS worker Penny O’Sullivan will lead the event, to take place Saturday 4 March at Kazanlak Baptist Church, and is asking for prayer support.

Young people have been invited from the surrounding towns to attend the event, with O’Sullivan expecting as many as 100 to come and join in the event.

“Please pray that the young people of these churches will be able to come and will bring non-Christian friends,” said O’Sullivan who leads the youth work at Kazanlak Baptist Church where her husband also works.

“The speaker is the co-ordinator of the youth of all the Baptist churches in Bulgaria,” she said. “His name is Vlady and he will be talking on the subjects of faith, why bother believing in God, and prayer. The flyers for the event say, "God is one. Together let's find the way to him."

|AD|The BMS Action Team, which is approaching its last month in Bulgaria, has greatly invigorated youth work in Kazanlak.

Youth have been inspired to worship by the recent acquisition of musical instruments, new microphones and a sound system.

“They enjoy the different instruments and they've been inspired to worship and not just to sing songs because they are expected to. And we praise the Lord for that,” said O’Sullivan.

She added: “We have also recently started Bible studies and prayer meetings for the youth of the church. Again, the Action Team is instrumental in leading these meetings. Please join us in praying that young people will grow spiritually and begin to affect friends and family around them.”

The youth leader is calling on BMS supporters to pray that the youth event on Saturday will strengthen the faith of Christians and bring new young people to Jesus.