Youthwork Christian Magazine Refreshes Image & Content

Youthwork, the biggest Christian youth work magazine, which has been named Christian Bookseller’s Convention (CBC) Periodical of the Year, has been completely revamped.

Youthwork has attempted to change its face by revamping the magazine which had once started as a black and white supplement in 1991. Both the design and content has been improved for the estimated readership of 100,000 Christian youth workers.

New features such as the Next Generation and CPR have been added. Next Generation is a training course for rising teenage leaders, and CPR is a revolutionary new resource to help engage with young people outside the church. News columns on developments in schools and local authority youth work have been added as well. Practical and legal information is also provided, including resources for use in school assemblies and a topical cartoon.

"The unswerving aim of Youthwork magazine is to help the UK’s army of youth workers to do the job they’ve been called to," said Youthwork editor Martin Saunders. "We’re constantly striving to do that better, and I believe that the new-look magazine, which we’ve made broader, more inclusive and slightly more cerebral, can be a real asset to those very special people.

Saunders continued, "If the church doesn’t get better at relating to young people, it’s going to die a pretty sudden death. Thankfully, there are thousands of people out there who are engaging with youth – and the church has to be prepared to resource them. Youthwork magazine can be a hub of information, ideas and guidance for the UK’s youth workers, and in turn spark a real change in the depressing statistics about young people and church. I hope churches and individuals will see it the same way and consider subscribing."