YWAM Prepares for Winter Olympics Outreach in Italy

Youth With A Mission is preparing to send teams for outreach at the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Torino, Italy.

|TOP|The international, inter-denomination Christian organisation focused on youth short-term missions will organise its 16th YWAM Olympic related outreach event, slated for Feb. 7-24, 2006.

The YWAM outreach will begin with a three-day orientation including worship, intersession, and various speakers. The orientation will also offer guidelines and teachings on how to effectively reach the locals and international attendees.

The approach the organisation wants to use is “Friendship Evangelism,” showing people love and a true servant heart through various community and church partner projects.

The outreach will start in the northern Italy town of Turin and will reach out to the surrounding villages in six weeks. Entertainment events – such as music, street drama, community festivals and snow boarding clinics – are opportunities YWAM will use for creative interaction.

Turin is the home of Waldensian Church, the largest evangelical church in the nation and perhaps the earliest “Protestant” church with roots tracing back to the 12th century (or even earlier).

|AD|In just October, YWAM UK joined forces with the Evangelical Alliance and a top U.S. expert on pastoral training John C. Maxwell to create a new training programme, the Million Leaders Mandate (MLM).

The Christian leaders of the future will be trained at ten regional centres across the UK as part of the unprecedented international programme.

The leadership training is the brainchild of John C. Maxwell, author of best-selling leadership manual ‘21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’ and will be facilitated through his worldwide organisation EQUIP.

Mr Maxwell aims to have thousands of leaders trained on the programme by 2008: “Jesus spent the majority of his time training 12 leaders to impact the world over the next generation,” he said.

“I am convinced that if Christian leaders are around the world are trained, resourced and encouraged, there is no limit to what can be accomplished in fulfilling the Great Commission.”

Participants on the programme will train at six day-long workshops spread across three years.

Rev. Greg Haslam, senior pastor at Westminster Chapel, one of the host churches of the Million Leaders Mandate, praised the arrival of the programme in the UK: “MLM is a godsend to British Christians and church leaders. Here is some of the best biblical wisdom available from experienced practitioners who have developed into fine leaders themselves.

"We would be fools to miss out on this opportunity and I feel privileged to be one of the hosts of this first venture in the UK.”

John Smith, UK director of the Evangelical Alliance, said: “We are very impressed by John Maxwell’s vision. We have examined the workbooks and note their biblical framework, clear content and practical application. I would encourage anyone who feels they want to get involved, but has yet to sign up, to do so.”

Now YWAM looks towards Italy with great hope for a bright mission.

For more information regarding the Italy outreach visit: ywamwintergames.org.

Jennifer Riley & Daniel Blake
Christian Today Correspondents