Zambians Unite in Day of Prayer to Spread Gospel

|TOP|Zambians from various denominations and tribes united in a day of prayer organised by the Bible Society of Zambia in an effort to advance the spread of the Gospel through the country.

Worshippers set aside their doctrinal differences and travelled together to a relatively distant suburb of Lusaka to unite in prayer for Bible work in their country as part of the United Bible Societies Day of Prayer in Zambia held earlier in the month.

The prayer day, running under the motto of “PUSH! Pray Until Something Happens!” was a great success and included a reading from the Rev Lackton Kaluah from Romans 10:11 – 13, which partly reads in the NIV version, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”.

Media Officer for the Bible Society of Zambia, Perdita Chenjela, commented on the success of the Day of Prayer after the event.

|AD|“It was such a unique day because of the unity with which the different tribes, congregations and communities worshipped in one language which God can understand, the language of love,” she reported.

The event, which took place at the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, saw the group of mostly women get to work in dedicated prayer and intercession.

One particular focus of the prayers was the need for the Bible to be made available in all of Zambia’s more than 40 languages at a cost that was reasonable to the majority of worshippers.

Executive director of the Bible Society of Zambia, the Rev Mpundu Mutala, also inspired the participants with the story of the Welsh girl Mary Jones, who inspired the founding of the first Bible Society with her strong desire to obtain a Bible.

Rev Mutala challenged the gathered worshippers to answer Christ’s call to spread the Gospel, to pray and to give whatever they could financially, in kind or in voluntary commitment towards the continued work of the Bible Society in Zambia.

The participants in the event returned to their home communities with a renewed passion to commit to the cause of spreading the Gospel.