Zimbabwe talks to resume under Mbeki mediation

President Robert Mugabe's ruling party and Zimbabwe's opposition are to resume talks to resolve the country's political crisis, state media reported on Tuesday.

Zimbabwean Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa told the Herald newspaper that the opposition Movement for Democratic Change had agreed to the resumption of negotiations with ZANU-PF under the mediation of South African President Thabo Mbeki.

"We have received communication . that they are ready for a resumption of the inter-party talks," Chinamasa said without providing details on when and where the talks would take place or what would be discussed.

Tendai Biti, a senior MDC official, declined to confirm or deny the report.

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has said the opposition will not participate in any negotiations until Mugabe's government halts a wave of political violence against his supporters and accepts his victory in a March 29 presidential election.

Tsvangirai won that poll but failed to win an outright majority. Mugabe was declared the winner of a June 27 run-off, which was boycotted by Tsvangirai and condemned as illegitimate by much of the world.

Tsvangirai refused to attend talks with Mbeki and Mugabe in Harare on Saturday because that would have endorsed the veteran Zimbabwean leader's disputed re-election. Tsvangirai accuses Mbeki of favouring Mugabe and has called for expanded mediation by the African Union.