'Zoo' season 4 renewal news: Decreasing viewership hurts chances for another run

Promotional image of "Zoo" from CBS.Facebook/ ZooCBS

There has been no official announcement regarding the renewal of the sci-fi-dystopian drama titled "Zoo" from CBS. Reports indicate though that the outlook does not look good for the CBS show.

According to TV Series Finale, season 3 brought in 2.6 million viewers on average which went down 31 percent since the first episode. The second season garnered 4.4 million watchers which would mean that the viewership decreased by 41 percent. With the rate that the show has been losing its viewers, a fourth season does not look very likely.

However, this was not the first time that the show has been in trouble of renewal. Back in season 2 with 4.4 million watchers, the show's survival was in doubts when its viewership decreased from the first season which attracted 6.4 million viewers. That was a significant 30 percent drop. However, the series got renewed for a season 3 despite the fall in numbers.

It remains to be seen though if "Zoo" can receive the same miracle like last year. The showrunners can expect a decision from CBS by November on whether it will be renewed or not.

The last season ended on a cliffhanger when the nefarious Abigail Westbrook (Athena Karkanis) kidnapped Clementine Lewis' (Gracie Dzienny) baby who held the key to make humans fertile again. Lewis and Logan (Josh Salatin) were on their way to keep the baby safe from the oncoming attack of hybrid were-beasts at the headquarters. Westbrook, however, was able to intercept them with a throng of were-vultures which killed Logan while Lewis was knocked out unconscious by the villain.

The baby held the secrets to making humans fertile again. Apparently, when a cure to normalize were-hybrids was sent out, it sadly made men and women sterile in the process.

While no official announcement has been made concerning a season 4 renewal of "Zoo," expect more reports as the situation unfolds.