Andrew Drury

Integrity or a good image?
Integrity or a good image?

We do not need to be journalists or writers for us to check out our facts and so be in a 'secure position' (2 Peter 3: 17) when we communicate to others.

Is God the missing link in British identity?
Is God the missing link in British identity?

A BBC survey suggests British people have a weak sense of connection to each other. With the church in decline, it's hard not to wonder whether the two are connected.

Lonely and living with cancer
Lonely and living with cancer

There are so many people who feel alone and need to know that someone is there alongside them

Don\'t let the TV squeeze out your time with God\'s Word
Don't let the TV squeeze out your time with God's Word

A new survey by Booktrust reveals a startling link between socio-economic backgrounds and levels of reading, and that more than half of 18 to 30-year-olds would rather surf the web or social media than read.

Technology and stress in the workplace
Technology and stress in the workplace

The work of businesses will be to transfer what is, at present, in the domain of the gadget lovers into workplace tools.

Early sexual activity and depression
Early sexual activity and depression

Studies point to a link between frequent casual sex among teenagers and young adults, and risk of depression