Andy Kerr

Sexting trend inspires new app to give back control to parents
Sexting trend inspires new app to give back control to parents

The alarming sexting trend among young people has prompted the Legacy Technology Group to create a new app that allows parents to monitor their children's smartphones.

Asian travellers most willing to give up little luxuries for holidays
Asian travellers most willing to give up little luxuries for holidays

Asian consumers believe that holidays are too important to spend less on and view them as a reward that they and their families deserve.

Congressional Gold Medal awarded posthumously to victims of 1963 church bombing
Congressional Gold Medal awarded posthumously to victims of 1963 church bombing

A Congressional Gold Medal has been awarded posthumously to four young black girls who lost their lives in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Eating next to a church and other seemingly harmless acts that could land Brits in trouble abroad
Eating next to a church and other seemingly harmless acts that could land Brits in trouble abroad

It may seem innocent enough but feeding the pigeons is just one of the unusual laws that Brits travelling abroad are being encouraged to brush up on to make sure their holiday remains safe and enjoyable.

Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth break-up rumors; Singer arrived alone for MTV VMA 2013 performance [VIDEO]
Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth break-up rumors; Singer arrived alone for MTV VMA 2013 performance [VIDEO]

Tongues are still wagging after THAT performance by Miley Cyrus at the MTV VMAs but the talk is also turning to her arrival at the awards without Liam Hemsworth by her side.

One Direction Our Moment: new commercial VIDEO for boys' perfume, Diana Vickers sings soundtrack for one-minute clip

The One Direction boys are known and loved for their tongue-in-cheek humor and the trailer for their new perfume Our Moment is no exception.

Miley Cyrus MTV VMA performance draws criticism and complaints; Robin Thicke\'s mom says she can never \'unsee it\'
Miley Cyrus MTV VMA performance draws criticism and complaints; Robin Thicke's mom says she can never 'unsee it'

Miley Cyrus's sexually provocative performance has drawn criticism from celebrities and a parents' group accusing MTV of continuing to "sexually exploit young women".

Jamie Oliver despairs over diet of Britain\'s poor
Jamie Oliver despairs over diet of Britain's poor

The celebrity chef wonders why the poor in countries like Spain and Italy still manage to keep a healthy diet, while Britain's poor choose to eat more expensive junk food.

Girl Guide unit sticks with original God oath
Girl Guide unit sticks with original God oath

A Girl Guide unit is refusing to adopt the organisation's new oath that omits the word "God".

UK children need more excercise
UK children need more excercise

Only half of all seven-year-olds in the UK are getting enough exercise each day to stay healthy, a new study has found.

Demi Lovato celebrates 21st on volunteering holiday in Kenya
Demi Lovato celebrates 21st on volunteering holiday in Kenya

The singer-songwriter decided to shun the traditional big birthday bash for a "meaningful" 21st celebration

Prince Charles donates to medieval church appeal
Prince Charles donates to medieval church appeal

the Prince of Wales has made a "significant" donation to an appeal by Bothwell Parish Church in Lanarkshire.

Carbuncle Cup: Shortlist for Britain\'s ugliest building award unveiled
Carbuncle Cup: Shortlist for Britain's ugliest building award unveiled

Student housing, a budget hotel, and a commercial seaside development are all in the running for this year's Carbuncle Cup.

Rihanna Topshop T-shirt ruling: Singer wins High Court battle over T-shirt bearing her image
Rihanna Topshop T-shirt ruling: Singer wins High Court battle over T-shirt bearing her image

Rihanna has won her High Court challenge against Topshop for using her image on a T-shirt without her permission.

38 pilgrims killed in Italy bus crash
38 pilgrims killed in Italy bus crash

At least 38 pilgrims have been killed after the coach they were travelling in carreered off a motorway flyover in southern Italy.

iPhone 5S release date rumored September 6 [PHOTO]; Low-cost iPhone Lite may release alongside [VIDEO]
iPhone 5S release date rumored September 6 [PHOTO]; Low-cost iPhone Lite may release alongside [VIDEO]

Rumor has it that the iPhone 5S will be coming to market on September 6.