Angie Chui

Street pastors in need of more volunteers
Street Pastors in need of more volunteers to expand service

Westboro Baptist church plans to picket Leonard Nimoy funeral thwarted
Westboro Baptist church plans to picket Ninoy funeral thwarted because they cant find venue

Pastor starts GoFundMe drive for homeless rape victim
The extraordinary courage of a homeless rape victim led to the conviction of her assailant. Now, her story has inspired the community, led by their local pastor to start a GoFundMe drive to help her find a permanent home.

Satanist leader: We don't subscribe to the Judeo-Christian concept of evil or Satan
Satanist leader says their group is criticized mainly by those who have preconceived notions about Satan

Group slams Bible distribution in Oklahoma public schools as 'unconstituional'
Freedom from Religion Foundation calls Bible distribution in Oklahoma public schools as 'unconstituional'; lodges complaint in 26 school districts

Pastors think faith will become an increasingly online experience in the next decade
According to a survey conducted by the Barna Group, 55 per cent of Protestant pastors believe it will be common practice for people to rely on the internet for their faith experiences in the next decade.

Foul play suspected in burning of 'haunted' church
'Haunted" church burned to the ground

4 in 10 Americans are 'unchurched'; dramatic change needed
Four in 10 Americans are unchurched. At 43 per cent, the number is significantly higher than the 30 per cent of Americans who did not go to church in 1990, according to data published in the book Churchless by George Barna and David Kinnaman.
21 Christians slain by ISIS to be declared martyrs by coptic church
The deaths of 21 Christians to ISIS will not be in vain as they will be declared martyrs by the Coptic Orthodox Church, the equivalent of canonisation in the Catholic Church.

Alabama is the most Bible minded state in US - survey
Alabama beats Tennessee as the most Bible minded area in US

Historic church being sold for $150K
Historical church being sold for $150,000 as city declines landmark petition

U2's travelling pastor dies
U2's travelling pastor dies, band pays tribute through blog

Church moves into former strip club
Church turns former strip club into wholesome coffeehouse

Missionary kidnapped in Nigeria; FBI, State department start probe with local authorities
State department, FBI work with local authorities in probe as kidnappers demand $300K ransom

Pastor's wife in hot water for 'praying too loud'
Her family migrated from Africa to North Dakota to follow their faith but now a pastor's wife is in hot water with authorities after she was slapped with a $150 fine for praying too loudly in the streets.

Amy Purdy shares how she visualised snowboarding again after losing her legs
Amy Purdy shares how she visualised snowboarding again after losing her legs