ASSIST News Service

Christians in Iran detained following raid

Seven Christians from the Church of Iran denomination have been imprisoned following a raid by members of the security services on a house in the city of Shiraz in Fars Province.

Lawyer says Rimsha Masih to remain in Pakistan

Rimsha Masih and her family will remain in Pakistan after her legal ordeal is over, one of her lawyers says.

Setback in Rimsha Masih case

Three witnesses whose testimony could absolve a 14-year-old Pakistani girl facing life in prison have changed their statements.

Christians held hostage in Syria

In addition to the 150 civilians who were detained earlier, another 130 Christians have been kidnapped in the village of Rableh, in western Syria on the border with Lebanon, by armed gangs in the area, creating a group of 280 hostages.

Threats force Egyptian Christians to flee

Most Christians living near Egypt's border with Israel are fleeing their homes after Islamist militants made death threats and gunmen attacked a Coptic-owned shop, a priest said on Friday, according to Egyptian website Aswat Masriya.

Call for investigation after pastor shot dead in Colombia

A Christian human rights agency is calling for a full investigation into the murder of protestant Pastor Henry Rodriguez, 44, who was shot dead as he left his church in Bogota, Colombia.

Christians facing humanitarian crisis in Syria

Christians in Syria are in desperate need as the country continues to be ravaged by conflict; many are trying to leave, while those who remain are struggling to survive as essential supplies run short, according to the Barnabas Fund.

Justice Like a River

Garth Hewitt's new album, Justice Like a River, is a collection of songs for worship on the theme of justice. Containing material from different stages in Garth's career, "Justice Like a River," includes some new and some re-recorded inspirational pieces.

David Crowder is getting back to his musical roots

David Crowder has gone solo after 12 years as part of the David Crowder Band. He talks about this new season for his musical career

Bibles sold in Tehran despite being labelled 'illegal'

Although the Islamic government of Iran and its security forces have banned Bible distribution, and even possessing a copy is considered a crime, Bibles and other illegal books can still be purchased from street vendors or in old book stores.

Jews for Jesus founding member dies

Jhan Moskowitz, 64, one of the founders of Jews for Jesus, the best known Jewish evangelism agency in the world, has died after a fall on a subway in New York City.

Crossing 'the Jesus bridge' in Ukraine

We have just spent a wonderful week with our Mercy Projects UK team at a summer camp at the Hearts of Love special needs children's centre in Konotop, Ukraine.

Digital Bible project sees huge global demand

Faith Comes By Hearing says it has registered more than 38 million free downloads to personal devices

Games Pastors make most of London 2012

A team of more than 300 Christians demonstrated their faith by helping thousands of visitors travelling throughout London during the Olympics.

Nigerian President dismisses Boko Haram call to resign

Nigeria's Christian President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday dismissed as "blackmail" a call on him by the suspected leader of Islamist group Boko Haram to resign and convert to Islam.

Another deadly church attack in Nigeria

A group of unidentified gunmen stormed the Deeper Life Church in Nigeria's central Kogi state and fired Kalashnikov assault rifles killing at least 19 people during an evening service on Monday.