Azalea Pena

Why is jealousy evil?
Jealousy is the work of the devil and the devil alone. If you want to know why jealousy is wrong on so many levels, let's look at what the Bible says about it here.

How to discipline a child according to the Bible
There really is no specific method to discipline a child if you ask all the parents out there. But if you rely on the Bible to find the answer, you'll see that God was very specific with how he wants you to train and discipline your child. So, how do you discipline a child according to the Bible?

When is the best time to accept Jesus as your Savior?
Is it best to evangelize to young kids or wait until they're teenagers? Or, will it be best to evangelize people who are in their adult years?

The Bible on debt and loans; Is it okay for Christians to have debt?
Sometimes, we can't help it. We are in need to buy something that we can't afford in cash, so we use a credit card or take out a loan. But, have you ever asked yourself if God approves of your debt? What does the Bible say about debt?

Can a Christian gamble? What does the Bible say about gambling?
When your friends invited you to a night of harmless gambling, and they assure you that it's just all for fun, will you accept the invitation?

Comforting Bible verses for when you're feeling lost
There will be days when you feel lost, confused, and empty, but always remember that you need to lean on to God's word to get you through. Mark these verses down in your Bible if you need some reminding

Can Christians support war? What does the Bible say about war?
Can Christians become a part of war? This is a question many Christians ponder on. But whenever this discussion comes up, every Christian has a different opinion about it.

What are angels, are they real, and what do they do?
Most of us grew up with a fond image of angels. We always see images of angels as cute and soft, even kids love the idea of having beautiful angels watch over them. But, what do we really know about angels? The general knowledge is that they help God in watching over us, but what are they really? Do they really exist and what do they do?

Things God did not promise you
It is important for every Christian to wholeheartedly know God's promises, but it is just as important to remove any fake illusion or expectation of being a Christian. Here are the most common things people believe, but God didn't promise.

How to date with holiness and godliness
The modern dating world is getting crazier by the way, and for Christians who want to date with Godliness, it can be a bit of a challenge as well. How can you keep up without sacrificing your values? Here are tips.

When to say 'I love you' during dating
Saying "I love you" must be done with great thought and it should be based on biblical principles. So, when should you say "I love you" when dating?

5 things Christian women want from their future christian husbands
A man's godly qualities are non-negotiable, so check out these things that every Christian woman must look for in a Christian husband.

How can you be sure that you're saved?
You've accepted God as your savior. You're faithful and you trust Him with all your heart. And yet, somewhere inside you, you doubt if you're truly saved. In times when you doubt yourself, lean on these verses.

Does it matter whether Christians bury or cremate the dead?
When a loved one dies, there is always that decision to make whether the deceased's body should be buried or cremated. However, as a Christian, should one hold any preference over the other?

5 Bible verses to keep you grounded when you're becoming selfish
Sometimes, we feel like if we worked hard for something, that we have the right to be selfish about it. Or if we believe someone doesn't deserve it, we don't share with them. If you're starting to doubt yourself if you're becoming selfish recently, take a look at these bible verses to keep you grounded.

5 Bible verses on healing
You can't go through life without experiencing pain. We must always remember that Christ is the ultimate healer; He can heal us in ways no one can. Take a look at these scriptures and find encouragement to always ask God for healing.