Carey Lodge

The Gospel Coalition removes controversial 'black husband' blog
The Gospel Coalition has removed a controversial blog from its website in which a woman shared her reaction when her white daughter married a black man.

Severe restrictions on religious freedom in the Maldives as defamation law passed
Religious freedom is further at risk in the Maldives after the Indian Ocean archipelago legalised criminal defamation on Tuesday.

Calais authorities urged not to demolish restaurants and shops in 'Jungle' refugee camp
French authorities were on Wednesday accused of using demolitions to force out refugees living in the Calais 'Jungle' camp.

Rick Warren: One simple way to break bad habits and turn from sin
In order to break bad habits and stop sinning, megapastor Rick Warren has some sage advice to Christians: choose to change.

China: Christians threatened with having welfare payments cut unless they stop going to church
Christians in China will have their welfare benefits withdrawn unless they stop attending church, a local governing body has announced.

Iraq: Christians 'see no future here' as ISIS continues campaign of destruction
Iraqi Christians persecuted by ISIS are loosing hope for their future, two years since militants overran Mosul and the Nineveh Plain, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee.

Turkey: 2,500 religious staff removed in post-coup crackdown
More than 2,500 officials have been suspended from Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate in another crackdown following the failed military coup last month.

Australia: Church bishop 'in tears' over decision to defrock sex abuse priest
An Australian bishop was reduced to tears over having to defrock a priest accused of sexual abuse because he was worried about the "effect if would have on the parishioners", a royal commission has heard.

Syria: Unicef warns children at risk of 'catastrophe' in Aleppo
The United Nations has called for an urgent ceasefire in the troubled city of Aleppo in Syria, warning of "dire" consequences for millions of civilians if water and electricity supplies are not immediately repaired.

Calais: Kids' café faces demolition, hundreds of children at risk
Hundreds of unaccompanied refugee children are at risk of even further suffering as French authorities threaten to demolish one of the only safe spaces for young people in the 'Jungle' camp on the town's outskirts.

Iraq: Three young priests ordained in refugee camp to serve persecuted Christians who fled ISIS
Exactly two years since ISIS militants forced 50,000 Christians to flee Qaraqosh in northern Iraq, three young priests from the city were ordained in a refugee camp in Erbil, and want to bring hope to the persecuted.

Pakistan: Churches offer prayers after suicide bomb attack kills 70
A suicide attack at a hospital in Pakistan that killed at least 70 people on Monday has been condemned as an "inhuman act" by the Catholic Church in the country.

'Spotlight' priest hangs himself in jail after fresh paedophilia allegations
Father Bonifacio Buzzi, 57, was found dead in his prison cell in Minas Gerais, in the north of Brazil, the state government said in a statement.

Manny Pacquiao uses Bible to defend death penalty
The former world champion boxer and now Philippines senator today used the Bible to justify his call for the reinstatement of the death penalty.

Algeria: Christian sentenced to five years in jail over Jesus post
A Christian man charged with blasphemy has been sentenced to prison for five years after posting online about Jesus.

British Iranians protest Sunni executions, urge UK government to hold Iran to account
Twenty Iranians have today entered their third day of a hunger strike in protest against what they say are brutal violations of human rights laws by their country's government.