Christian Daily International, Morning Star News

Nicaragua convicts 11 pastors linked to US ministry on 'sham charges' of money laundering
The Nicaraguan judiciary has convicted 11 Nicaraguan pastors linked to the U.S.-based Mountain Gateway ministry on charges of money laundering.

Herdsmen kill pastor, five other Christians in central Nigeria
Fulani herdsmen killed a pastor and five other Christians in Nasarawa state, central Nigeria in attacks on Friday and Sunday, sources said.

Christians in Pakistan acquitted of blasphemy charges
A judge in Pakistan on Friday acquitted two Christian brothers of false blasphemy charges that had led to Muslims attacking Christian homes and businesses in Jaranwala last year, sources said.

Muslim extremist attacks devastate churches in central Nigeria
Recent Muslim extremist attacks in an area of central Nigeria resulted in dozens of deaths and the closure of 10 Baptist churches, including one now used as a mosque, a denominational leader said.

Christian in Pakistan loses job, home after false blasphemy charge
Acquittal after a false blasphemy charge has not kept a Christian widow in Pakistan from being driven from her job and village amid threats.

160 Christians massacred over Christmas in Nigeria
Terrorists massacred 160 people, many of them preparing for church Christmas programmes, Saturday night through Christmas Day in coordinated attacks on predominantly Christian areas in Plateau state, Nigeria, sources said.