Christian Today staff writer

US withdrawing most Ebola troops from West Africa
President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that all but 100 American troops sent to West Africa to help manage the Ebola outbreak will be withdrawn by April 30.

Two plead not guilty in staged kidnapping of Missouri boy
Two people in Missouri have pled not guilty in the case of a six-year-old boy kidnapped to be taught a lesson about strangers.

Middle school parents furious over '50 Shades of Grey' word puzzles
Parents at a Pennsylvania middle school were outraged this week after their children were assigned a "50 Shades of Grey" word search puzzle to complete.

Gay conversion therapy ruled fraudulent by New Jersey judge
Gay conversion therapy--a controversial practice meant to change a patient from homosexual to heterosexual-- was lambasted in a recent ruling by a New Jersey judge.

Sarah Jakes shares her testimony, says she is done 'running' from her last name
Essence Magazine is gearing up for their annual Essence Festival this July by highlighting festival alums in their Women Who Empower Us series.

Deepak Chopra says spirituality is needed more than ever
Prolific author and physician Deepak Chopra published an op-ed this week on the enduring importance of spirituality and wisdom in our society.

'Bringing up Bates' star shares pregnancy joy after multiple miscarriages
"Bringing up Bates" star Erin Paine opened up in a recent interview about her pregnancy following several miscarriages due to a blood-clotting issue.

Joel Osteen encourages believers to trust God during grief, trials: 'You have to take the limits off of God'
Megachurch pastor Joel Osteen shared a message of faith and encouragement for those dealing with grief and trials in a recent interview.

President Obama asks Congress to use military force against ISIS
President Obama asked Congress to allow a limited amount of ground troops to fight against the Islamic State (IS) on Wednesday.

Student punished for saying 'God Bless America'
A Florida student was reprimanded this week after saying "God bless America" at the conclusion of the morning announcements.

Kurdish forces advance on Mosul; airstrikes heaviest since August
Kurdish forces advance on Mosul

Clarence Thomas issues strong dissent on gay marriage ruling
Justice Clarence Thomas admonished the Supreme Court after its decision not to issue a stay on Alabama's gay marriage ruling on Monday.

Mormon blogger John Dehlin excommunicated from LDS Church
Controversial blogger John Dehlin is no longer a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints after an excommunication hearing held on Sunday.

Former ISIS member explains why he joined terrorist group, and why he left: 'They see it as something a lot grander than what the reality is'
In a recent interview, he explained his reasons for linking with the terrorists in Syria, and gave an inside look into what life was like as a fighter for the caliphate.

Ousted HGTV duo the Benham brothers say biblical principles are under attack
Outspoken Christians Jason and David Benham wrote an op-ed on this week asserting that upholding biblical principles can make Christians targets for persecution.

Obama hid support for gay marriage for years, claims former advisor
Former Obama strategist David Axelrod claims in his new book that the US President hid his inclinations toward supporting gay marriage during his 2008 campaign.