Christian Today staff writer

Christian woman gives up tight leggings after husband admits it\'s hard to stop his eyes wandering
Christian woman gives up tight leggings after husband admits it's hard to stop his eyes wandering

A Christian woman has decided to give up leggings in her wardrobe after her husband admitted that it's difficult to keep his eyes away from women wearing thin, form-fitting leggings.

The Netherlands is now home to more atheists than believers
The Netherlands is now home to more atheists than believers

There are more atheists than believers now in the Netherlands for the first time in recent history, according to a survey conducted by Ipsos.

Pastor of church that lost 46 members in AirAsia crash: \'We don\'t attempt to answer the big \'why\' question\'
Pastor of church that lost 46 members in AirAsia crash: 'We don't attempt to answer the big 'why' question'

Chinese Indonesian Pastor Philip Mantofa said that they are still reeling from the loss of their 46 members from the devastating AirAsia crash, adding that they don't even attempt to answer "why" the crash happened when it did.

India\'s Christians look to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for support after attacks
India's Christians look to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for support after attacks

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has yet to comment on the recent spate of attacks on Christians

Evil of ISIS and Boko Haram must be confronted, US administration told
Evil of ISIS and Boko Haram must be confronted, US administration told

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is calling for the US administration to boldly confront the evil deeds of the Islamic State (ISIS) and Boko Haram and put a stop to their killing sprees.

Cat saves abandoned baby from freezing to death
Cat saves abandoned baby from freezing to death

A homeless cat in Russia is being hailed a hero after helping to save a baby's life.

Fox News reporter apologises for calling Birmingham, UK \'totally Muslim\'
Fox News reporter apologises for calling Birmingham, UK 'totally Muslim'

A Fox News reporter is apologising this week after calling the English city "totally Muslim."

Saudi leader condemns snowmen as anti-Islam
Saudi leader condemns snowmen as anti-Islam

Building snowmen is a popular winter activity for children, but a prominent Saudi cleric forbade the act in a recent address.

Parents protest \'Frozen: Anna Giving Birth\' mobile app
Parents protest 'Frozen: Anna Giving Birth' mobile app

The mobile app is based off the popular children's movie "Frozen," and allows users to deliver Anna's baby via Cesarean-section.

Phil Robertson says America lacks \'moral compass\'
Phil Robertson says America lacks 'moral compass'

"Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson spoke out against the "rise of radical Islam" in a controversial interview this week on "The Sean Hannity Show."

Ray Rice and NFL reach settlement after assault incident
Ray Rice and NFL reach settlement after assault incident

Former Ravens running back Ray Rice has reached an undisclosed settlement with the NFL in his wrongful termination suit.

Disciplinary hearing set for Mormon blogger
Disciplinary hearing set for Mormon blogger

A disciplinary hearing has been set in the case of controversial Mormon blogger John Dehlin.

Gender-neutral restrooms come to West Hollywood
Gender-neutral restrooms come to West Hollywood

There should be no gender discrimination, not even in restrooms in West Hollywood, according to the local council.

Alabama city council passes resolution declaring God \'owns\' the city
Alabama city council passes resolution declaring God 'owns' the city

The men and women of Winfield City Council in Alabama signalled their faith and devotion to God by recently passing a resolution declaring it to be a "City under God."

Religion may soon be \'purged\' from public life in the West
Religion may soon be 'purged' from public life in the West

Religious displays in the public square across Europe might soon be a thing of the past, Cristina Odone warns in The Telegraph.