Christian Today staff writer

'Black Panther' set was 'almost like a church' as cast and crew testified to God's miracles
'Black Panther' set was 'almost like a church' as cast and crew testified to God's miracles

An actress who stars in the new blockbuster Marvel hit Black Panther has said that during the making of the movie the cast and crew were testifying to God's miracles and the set of the film had an atmosphere that felt 'almost like a church'.

Evangelical still ahead despite shrinking lead in Costa Rica election
Evangelical still ahead despite shrinking lead in Costa Rica election

Evangelical Christian Fabricio Alvarado Muñoz maintained his lead in Costa Rica's second-round presidential race even as his centre-left rival narrowed the gap, according to a poll published on Friday.

Scottish Muslim politician is giving up Irn-Bru for Lent
Scottish Muslim politician is giving up Irn-Bru for Lent

A Muslim Scottish government minister is observing Lent this year in solidarity with persecuted Christians – and he's giving up Irn-Bru.

Creationist Ken Ham re-invited to speak at University of Central Oklahoma
Creationist Ken Ham re-invited to speak at University of Central Oklahoma

The University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) has decided to re-invite Christian creationist Ken Ham to present his views at the institution, after he was dis-invited last week.

Indian bishops condemn rise in religion-based hate crime
Indian bishops condemn rise in religion-based hate crime

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) has spoken out against the dangers of a Hindu-nationalist agenda and 'monoculturalism'. It comes alongside a recognition by the Indian government of a spike in religiously-motivated hate crime.

Mexico diocese evacuates nuns from ultra-violent city after multiple killings
Mexico diocese evacuates nuns from ultra-violent city after multiple killings

A Catholic diocese in southern Mexico has withdrawn all of its nuns from the violence-ridden city of Chilapa, following the killing of two of its priests earlier this month.

Now Desmond Tutu has resigned as Oxfam ambassador
Now Desmond Tutu has resigned as Oxfam ambassador

He resigned yesterday as an ambassador for the aid agency saying he was 'deeply disappointed' about the charity's handling of a sex scandal.

Vatican denies ex-Pope Benedict suffering 'paralysis'

The Vatican today denied a magazine report suggesting former Pope Benedict was suffering a debilitating 'paralysis' that threatened to end his life imminently.

21 Christian martyrs beheaded by ISIS honoured at Egyptian church inauguration
21 Christian martyrs beheaded by ISIS honoured at Egyptian church inauguration

Today will see the inauguration of an Egyptian church dedicated to the 21 Christians beheaded by ISIS on the Libyan coast in 2015.

Young people left 'deeply unhappy' by social media pressure for perfect body
Young people left 'deeply unhappy' by social media pressure for perfect body

The Bishop of Gloucester, Rachel Treweek, is to host a national conference next week aimed at tackling body image anxiety in young people.

Don't just give up, give to: How 40 acts of kindness can transform your Lent
Don't just give up, give to: How 40 acts of kindness can transform your Lent

What if Lent weren't focused on negatives – giving things up – but on positively affecting the world for good?

Sovereign Grace Church hits back at 'irresponsible' Rachael Denhollander allegations
Sovereign Grace Church hits back at 'irresponsible' Rachael Denhollander allegations

Sovereign Grace Church has hit back at allegations of abuse and cover-up by former US gymnast Rachael Denhollander, branding her accusations as 'irresponsible'.

Site of Jesus' baptism to be cleared of mines after half a century
Site of Jesus' baptism to be cleared of mines after half a century

An ancient site revered as the location where Jesus was baptised may be reopened to the public as a massive de-mining programme gets under way.

Muslim teens sentenced to studying Qur'an references to Virgin Mary after mocking Christianity
Muslim teens sentenced to studying Qur'an references to Virgin Mary after mocking Christianity

In a refreshing twist on blasphemy sentences from the Middle East, three Lebanese teenagers who were charged with insulting Christianity have been given the unusual sentence of studying the references to the Virgin Mary found in the Quran.

Vice President Mike Pence 'thinks Jesus tells him to say things' says former Trump staffer

The US Vice president Mike Pence 'thinks Jesus tells him to say things', according to a former official in the Donald Trump administration.

Vatican deal with China would undermine Catholic Church's 'moral power' say influential Catholics
Vatican deal with China would undermine Catholic Church's 'moral power' say influential Catholics

A group of influential Catholics, most based in Hong Kong, have warned that if the Vatican presses ahead with an imminent agreement with the Chinese regime it risks plunging the Catholic Church into confusion and losing its moral high ground.