Courtney Lee

Tearfund Launches Online Game to Combat Climate Change

Tearfund has launched a new online pentathlon to encourage people to combat climate change ...

GMA Announces Performers for 37th GMA Music Awards

The president of the GMA and executive producer of the 37th annual GMA Music Awards, John W. Styll, announced the performers for the 37th GMA Music Awards yesterday.

Thousands Gather to Honour Founder of UK's Largest Black Church

At least 2,000 churchgoers around the world gathered at the funeral of Dr Oliver Lyseight...

Duke of Kent Opens New Centre to Unite Faith Groups

The Duke of Kent opened the The St Augustine's New Avenham Centre in Preston, Lancashire, Tuesday...

Salvation Army Concerned About Gambling Impacts

While the Salvation Army expressed concerns on the negative impact gambling has on family life...

Christian Aid Reports Residential Destruction in Luanda, Girl Shot in Process

Christian Aid reported that security forces invaded and destroyed the homes of more than 300 families...

World Vision Continues Pakistan Aid

International aid and development agency World Vision continues to provide aid to quake-hit Pakistan...

Conference to Cover Cultural War on Christians

The War On Christians And The Values Voter in 2006 Conference will be held March 27-28...

Conference Held to Embed Christian Values in Science and Technology

A conference on the relationships between Christian values and science and technology will...

EMI Distributes Narnia DVD to Christian Retail

Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media presents C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe on DVD April 4, with CBA distribution through EMI CMG.

Jump 5

See how teenage singing/dancing group Jump5 deal with their faith!

Worship Leader Andy Flannagan to Release New Book

Andy Flannagan, Youth for Christ's national songwriter and worship leader, will release God360°, a book containing 120 devotions, in the beginning of April.

Crusaders Celebrate 100th Anniversary

Christian youth organisation Crusaders will celebrate their 100th birthday with a huge Centenary celebration on Saturday, 20th May 2006, at the Royal Albert Hall in Central London.

Author Publishes Book to Improve Teen Culture

In response to problems of violence, depression, sexual promiscuity and drug taking...

Christian Aid Warns Aid Failing to Reach Somalia

Christian Aid reports that aid is failing to reach 1.5 million people facing the threat of starvation in drought-stricken Somalia...

Archbishop of Canterbury to Launch A Strong Defence of Church Schools

The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams will launch a strong defence of Church schools today at the National...