Daniel Blake
Church of England speaks out in gay clergy debate
The Church of England has indicated its opposition to Anglican provinces that choose to intervene in other churches without authorisation.
Anglican bishop urges Communion not to sweep homosexuality under rug
A senior Church of England bishop has urged the Anglican Communion to face up to the controversial issue of homosexuality in the Church at this year's landmark Lambeth Conference.
Troubles for Anglican Church in Zimbabwe continue
The Anglican Church in Zimbabwe has continued to experience problems in the face of clashes between two rival groups in a dispute over church leadership.
Malaysian Government goes back on 'Allah' ban
The Malaysian Government has gone back on its decision to ban a Catholic newspaper from using the word "Allah".
Party criticised for refusing to denounce violence against Christians in India
Following the attacks on churches in Orissa, India, the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) who were accused of taking part in the violence, have said that they condemn violence. However Christians have said that their words do not go far enough.
Conservative Anglicans to hold own meeting ahead of Lambeth 2008
Conservative members of the Anglican Communion who oppose the US Episcopal Church and its liberal attitude to issues like homosexuality are planning to hold their own meeting on the future of the worldwide Communion.
US evangelicals support Jews leaving Iran
On Christmas Day this year, 40 Jews arrived secretly in Israel having defected from Iran, a long time enemy of the world's only Jewish state. Each of the arriving Jews received a gift of $10,000 from American evangelical Christians.
Malaysia Christians challenge ban on word 'Allah'
A church in Malaysia and a Christian weekly newspaper are attempting to sue the Malaysian Government for banning them from using the word "Allah". They claim that the ban is unconstitutional and violates freedom of religion.
Treasury cuts could harm theological training for CofE clergy
A Government decision to redistribute £100 million, used to finance more first degrees, could lead to a cut in the increasing number of young ordinands coming forward for training in the Church of England.
Indian church attacks caused by 'inadequate' government protection, say Christians
The state government of Orissa is responsible for the attacks on churches and Christian organisations in Kandhamal district in India, according to the Orissa unit of the All-India Christian Council.
Mystery worshippers to uncover what encourages churchgoing
Christian Research has commissioned Retail Maxim to begin a new "mystery worshipper" initiative designed to find the reasons why people do not go to Church or practise the Christian faith.
60,000 Christian pilgrims to visit Holy Land this Christmas
Around 60,000 Christian pilgrims are expected to visit Israel this Christmas. The Israeli Tourism Ministry has said that the number of pilgrims is around 50 per cent higher than in 2006.
Kenyan Muslims deny Presidential candidate will implement Sharia
Muslim leaders in Kenya have denied reports that the Presidential candidate for the opposition has promised to introduce Sharia law if he is elected.
Christian escapes repatriation to North Korea
Yoo Sang-joon, a North Korean Christian who was put on trial in China for helping North Korean refugees has been repatriated to South Korea, where he also holds citizenship.
Vatican releases note to end 'growing confusion' on evangelisation
The Vatican has released a detailed note in response to concerns that its mission work across the world could be hindered by incorrect ideas about evangelisation.
Violence continues in Iraq as Christian girl shot dead
According to police officials in Iraq a Christian girl was shot dead on Sunday when unidentified gunmen opened fire in the area of al-Nabi Younes (the prophet Jonah) in central Mosul.