David Ison
Brexit, sex and science: can we challenge the fake news?
Two sides, two views, and who is working to reconcile them and to listen to the other? Who will include the excluded, on either side? And what really is the truth?

London's getting a female bishop, and there's nothing divine about male headship
The phrase that really needs to be questioned here is 'the divine order of male headship'. The use of that adjective 'divine' seems as inappropriate as in the phrase 'the divine right of kings'.

Cassock chasers and compromised clergy: A response to abuse in the Church
The lack of trust generated by many years of poor practice in the Church needs a more urgent and radical response than has happened so far.

Dean of St Paul's: Anglicans need each other despite deep split over homosexuality
One of the Church of England's most senior clergy, The Very Revd David Ison, writes exclusively for Christian Today ahead of the vital meeting of the world's top Anglican leaders this week.