Ed Cyzewski

Why we need solitude in the midst of the 2016 American election
Why we need solitude in the midst of the 2016 American election

Can we disconnect from the noise to immerse ourselves in the quiet presence of God?

How male headship undermines our freedom in Christ
How male headship undermines our freedom in Christ

If you've grown up in a conservative Christian home, especially in America, there's a good chance that you were told that the man has the primary calling in the family.

Should you use your smartphone during worship?
Should you use your smartphone during worship?

How do we find a place for them in the church today so that we don't take away from our worship of God?

5 reasons why evangelical support for Trump is complicated
5 reasons why evangelical support for Trump is complicated

The awkward embrace of Trump and the evangelical leaders who had once opposed him isn't the whole story.

The advantages of launching a church without a building
The advantages of launching a church without a building

Ed Cyzewski's church waited more than a decade before buying a property. He looks at how owning a building can impact mission.

How to stop burnout in church ministry
How to stop burnout in church ministry

Pastors who can't do it all may be the most effective people in ministry today, says Ed Cyzewski.

Are we outsourcing our daily spirituality?
Are we outsourcing our daily spirituality?

Ed Cyzewski looks at how Christians can use mundane tasks to draw closer to God.

Fixing evangelical Christianity\'s addiction to control
Fixing evangelical Christianity's addiction to control

Where do American evangelicals lose our core calling to love others and preach the Gospel?

\'How Do We Get Millennials to Attend Church?\' Why that is the wrong question
'How Do We Get Millennials to Attend Church?' Why that is the wrong question

"How Do We Get Millennials to Attend Church?" Is the Wrong Question

Are Chinese leaders using American tactics to subvert Christianity?
Are Chinese leaders using American tactics to subvert Christianity?

The government of China appears to be shifting its approach toward Christians, and this change could prove highly problematic in the years to come for the Chinese church.

Quick fixes to American church decline won\'t work... but this could
Quick fixes to American church decline won't work... but this could

As research shows further decline in US church attendance, author Ed Cyzewski argues against a quick fix approach

4 ways evangelicals have destroyed their own movement
4 ways evangelicals have destroyed their own movement

Evangelicalism has fragmented into a political voting block rather than a movement for sharing the gospel. Ed Cyzewski looks at the key factors driving the dissolution of evangelicalism in America.

Do evangelicals love doctrine more than people?
Do evangelicals love doctrine more than people?

Our beliefs and doctrines matter, but if we fail to love our neighbors, scripture itself indicts us.

The Magi, Herod and a national security crisis
The Magi, Herod and a national security crisis

Herod was a brutal, violent, murderous king. His rationale wouldn't strike us as that different from the ways hawkish politicians justify our wars today.

Why evangelicals pray for persecuted pastors rather than battered women
Why evangelicals pray for persecuted pastors rather than battered women

The widespread plight of women living in abusive households remains under the radar.

Homeward Christian Soldiers? Syrian Refugees, America, and a Closed 10/40 Window
Homeward Christian Soldiers? Syrian Refugees, America, and a Closed 10/40 Window

Christians in America have every reason to open our arms to refugees, says Ed Cyzewski.