Eric Young, Christian Post
Believers asked to share in Zimbabwe's suffering
Believers in Zimbabwe are waiting for God to intervene as life-threatening difficulties continue to face the people of the nation.
Zondervan making good progress with first handwritten NIV Bible
Half of Americaâs 50 states have been reached so far in Zondervan's effort to create the first handwritten NIV Bible with the help of 31,173 people across the US.
Vatican official warns against overload of Christian-Muslim dialogues
With so many new interfaith dialogues between different sets of Christian and Muslim leaders, there is a possibility for overlap and confusion, according to the Vatican's top official for interfaith efforts.
Pro-family group ends McDonald's boycott
Pro-family groups this week lauded the recent decision by McDonald's to no longer support the efforts of activists working to advance the homosexual agenda.
Three Iraqi Christians killed in 24 hours
Three Christians in the northern city of Mosul, Iraq, were killed within the short span of 24 hours on Tuesday, an Iraqi news agency reported.
Church leaders pave way for world's largest Reformed body
Plans for the historic merger of the two largest Reformed church bodies in the world will be consolidated this week during a high-level, five-day meeting that opened Monday.
Rely on God not government, US church leaders told
US church leaders told not to look to the government to solve the nation's problems but to look toward God and act as Christ's representatives.
Author seeks to unravel God's truth about homosexuality
Homosexuality is making some big waves in Hollywood, where a number of celebrities have either recently "come out" or offered support to efforts to normalise a behaviour that many still agree is unnatural.
Tony Blair launches search for 30 religious youth 'ambassadors'
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has launched an international search for 30 religious youth to embark on a 10-month journey of interfaith service for the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals.
Christians cry out for America on 9/11
As the US marks the seventh anniversary of the infamous 9/11 terrorist attacks, Christians throughout the nation have been encouraged to cry out in prayer for America.
Evangelical scholars affirm commitment to Jewish evangelism
The theological arm of the World Evangelical Alliance has released a statement on Jewish evangelism in Europe with the hope of renewing commitment to take the Gospel to the Jews.
'Pull your pants up' movement draws critics, supporters
Americans rallying against youth who love to pull their underpants up and their trousers down.
Retired California clergy rebuked over same-sex couples vow
News of the offer from more than 80 retired northern California clergy in the United Methodist Church to perform same-sex "marriages" has riled conservative Christians who say such an action is "silly" and merely a move towards "the latest fad".