Ethan Cole, Christian Today US Correspondent
US Presidential Hopefuls Criticise Iowa Gay 'Marriage' Ruling
US Presidential hopefuls seeking to win conservative voters were quick to voice criticism of an Iowa county judge's ruling to allow gay "marriage" in his county despite the state's ban on same-sex civil "marriage."
US to Discipline Top Pentagon Officers for Endorsing Christianity
Seven high-ranking US officers, including four generals, could face discipline for what the Pentagon considers their promotion of Christianity.
Texas Megachurch Harassed for Refusing to Host Pro-Gay Memorial
A Texas megachurch is drawing fire from the homosexual community for refusing to host a gay man's memorial service, which the church says goes against its church policy.
Sri Lanka Welcomes First Ecumenical Conflict Research Team
War-torn Sri Lanka has welcomed the first of a series of visits around the world by an ecumenical team seeking to learn more about the peacemaking efforts of local churches in conflict-stricken regions.
Bush Tells Muslims that US Defends Islam
President Bush has reassured a crowd of Muslim Americans that the US remains completely committed to religious freedom and the defence of Muslims in the US against attacks from terrorists.
Angelina Jolie, Kay Warren Launch New Child Campaign
A new child and orphan advocacy organisation formally launched its campaign last week with the help of actress Angelina Jolie and Saddleback Church's Kay Warren.
Koreans Ashamed, Fear Backlash After School Massacre
As condolences worldwide pour forth following the deadliest school massacre in U.S. history, many Koreans in America and abroad have in addition to sympathy expressed both shame and fear of a racial reprisal in the coming days.
Bush Stands Against 'Temptation to Manipulate Life'
US President George Bush expressed his opposition to efforts that "manipulate life" last Friday and urged the US to work for a culture of life where the strong protect the weak and most vulnerable.
Contested US Stem Cell Bill Would Pour Money into 'Bad Science'
Christian groups in the US are criticizing a new bill that would allow for greater federal funding of embryonic stem cell research as wasting tax dollars on "bad science" that is also unethical.
Muslims Could Overtake Western World with High Birth Rates
A pro-life group says that the Western world's current low birth rate could mean that Muslims will overtake the West's population in the coming decades.