Ethan Cole
China issues secret order to crack down on major house churches
The Chinese government has reportedly issued a secret directive to crack down on at least several major house churches in Beijing, a U.S.-based group reported Tuesday.
World Council of Churches opens Central Committee Meeting to elect new leader
The largest ecumenical church body in the world will elect its new general secretary within the next week during a Central Committee meeting that opened Wednesday in Geneva.
Catholic adoption agencies to comply with equality laws
Half of the Catholic Church's adoption agencies have decided to comply with new equality laws that require them to work with gay couples.
Thousands seek revival in Kenya at mass prayer gathering
Thousands of African prayer warriors gathered in the Kenyan capital Nairobi this past weekend to pray for a spiritual awakening in the city, state and all of Africa.
Saudi inter-faith conference ends with anti-terrorism pact
Religious leaders concluded a historic inter-faith conference on Friday with a call for an international pact to combat terrorism.
Russian Orthodox Church rep: EU needs to protect Christians
The European Union should do more to protect Christians worldwide, said the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to European Union officials on Monday.
A look back at China's growing faith
Much attention has been paid to China's human rights violations, including its suppression of religious freedom, ahead of the Beijing Olympics in August. But a look back at the past decade shows how far the strictly secular and officially atheist nation has come in terms of religion.
Eritrea forcing Christian ministers into military camps
The Eritrean Government is reportedly sending some leaders of the Eritrean Orthodox Church to military training camps, a persecution watchdog group reports.
Tutu backs US church initiative to end poverty in Africa
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner, has endorsed an interfaith initiative to partner congregations in the United States with African villages in the fight against poverty.
Pentecostal Church report warns of false prophets
A major Pentecostal denomination released a paper Tuesday stating the church's position on the apostolic movement that included a warning on false prophets.
Indonesia: Over 100 churches close in 3 Years
Islamic extremism and local governments have closed more than 100 churches in Indonesia within three years, according to a persecution watchdog agency.
Prominent Chinese rights activist sentenced to jail
A Chinese court ruled Thursday that the writings and comments of one of the most prominent human rights activists in China amounted to inciting subversion, his lawyer said.
Face of Christianity will soon be black, says scholar
Christianity has long been stereotyped as a Western, white man's religion, but a prominent theologian stated Thursday that that image will soon drastically change.
Cries against injustice mar journalists' Tibet tour
A group of Tibetan monks shouted in tears over the lack of religious freedom in their nation as foreign reporters passed by on an official tour of Tibet's capital Wednesday.
Gorbachev dispels 'closet Christian' rumours; says he is atheist
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev made clear this past weekend that he is an atheist after European news agencies last week claimed that he had confirmed his Christian faith during a visit to the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.
Gorbachev tomb visit revives 'closet Christian' rumours
Mikhail Gorbachev, the last communist leader of the Soviet Union, paid an unexpected visit Wednesday to the tomb of St Francis of Assisi in Italy, where he reportedly spent nearly a half-an-hour in silent meditation.