Jaime Sim, Christian Today Asia Correspondent

Malaysian Christians Concerned as Non-Muslims Directed to Islamic Court

The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) has expressed its concern over the decision of the Court of Appeal, which told non-Muslim R. Subashini to seek recourse at the Syariah Court.

Brian McLaren to Address Malaysians on Modern Challenges to the Church

Influential speaker, author and pastor, Brian McLaren will be one of the speakers at an upcoming event organised by emergentMalaysia, Friends in Conversation: A Quiet Revolution of Hope, from March 3 - 4 at Christian Life Gospel Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Korean Superstar 'Rain' to Promote HIV/AIDS Awareness in Malaysia

Korean superstar Rain will help World Vision promote HIV/AIDS awareness among Malaysians when he holds his concert "Rain's Coming 06/07 World Tour" in the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil on January 27.

Security Tightens After Shoot-Out with Muslim Extremists in Indonesia

Security in Indonesia has tightened after 11 people were killed in a shoot-out during a hunt for Muslim extremists. It is believed that several of the suspects are related to reported anti-Christian attacks in Poso.

Pope to Meet Vietnam's Prime Minister in Historic Vatican Visit

The prime minister of Vietnam will meet Pope Benedict XVI on January 25. The meeting will be the first meeting between a top Vietnamese official and a pontiff, an unofficial Vatican source has reported.

Salvation Army Supports Flood Victims in Malaysia

The Salvation Army has been offering extensive material aid to evacuees in flood-devastated states across Malaysia, but the Christian organisation has also been quick to reveal that words of comfort have often been received just as warmly.

Agencies Call for Urgent Financial Aid to Help 100,000 Indonesian Flood Victims

An international humanitarian agency has called for the international community to provide financial aid to more than 100,000 flood victims in Indonesia.

Fears over Disease Outbreak in Flood-Devastated Malaysia

The outbreak of diseases is now feared in the flood-devastated states in the southern part of Malaysia, as more than 100,000 people remain in over-crowded emergency shelters.

Council of Churches Malaysia Acknowledges Response to Flood Victims

The Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM) has acknowledged feedback from its members in its recent nationwide appeal to aid those in the flood-affected areas in Malaysia.

Pastor Attacked in India Following Fake Prayer Request

A pastor in Karnataka, India, has been beaten by a group of youths after his church's Sunday Service ended on January 7. The pastor needed sixteen stitches for the injuries he sustained from the assault on his head and back.

Philippines Thank Archbishop For Peace Between Christians & Muslims

Authorities from Zamboanga City in the Philippines have expressed their "admiration, respect and praise" for the good works that the Archbishop of Zamboanga has done in promoting understanding and uniting the local Christian and Muslim communities.

Christians Arrested, Church Partly Demolished by Police in Vietnam

A church in Vietnam has been partly demolished by police officials as they burst into the premises, Christian Today has learned. Seventeen people were arrested in the raid, including a pastor's family members on the morning of January 9.

Thousands Remember Abducted Victims of Korean War

Ten thousand yellow handkerchiefs have been tied to trees in remembrance of the South Koreans that were abducted by North Korea during the 1950-1953 Korean War.

'Anti-Christian' Law Introduced in India, Fears of Persecution Rise

An "anti-Christian" law has recently been legalised in Himachal Pradesh, a mountainous state in the north of India. Missionaries, church leaders and devoted Christians now fear imminent persecution under the law.

Thousands of Police Guard Religious Sites in Indonesia as Terrorist Threats Increase Over Christmas

Terrorist threats have increased in Jakarta, Indonesia over the Christmas period. A police spokesman announced on December 18 that eighteen thousand police personnel were put out to guard churches and religious sites amid the growing concerns.

Evangelical Alliance Sri Lanka Urges Government to Protect Religious Freedom

The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) has urged the country's government and law enforcement agencies to uphold for every citizen the right to freely practice the religion of their choice, without any harassment, a statement released yesterday said.