James Macintyre

Politician turned preacher? Hillary Clinton prepares finally to 'come out' as a Christian leader
Hillary Clinton wants to preach. That was the simple introduction to a revelatory news feature in The Atlantic this week, which claimed that the Democrat former presidential candidate said this to Bill Shillady, her long-time pastor, at a recent photo shoot for his new book about the daily devotionals he sent her during the 2016 campaign.

Drought, government neglect and the threat of violence: How high are the stakes in today's Kenya elections?
The former US president Barack Obama has broken his relative silence to intervene, calling for them to be 'peaceful and credible', while faith leaders act as peace negotiators working to prevent the eruption of tribal violence that the country has seen in the past, ahead of the fractious elections.

Thirsty priests: Welsh pub renames beer after mistaking seminarians for stag do in fancy dress
The Cardiff pub which initially turned away a group of seven seminarians because they were mistaken for a stag party in fancy dress has renamed one of its beers, calling it the 'Thirsty Priests'.

More than 1,500 sign petition calling on Manchester to move books by Holocaust denier David Irving
More than 1,500 people have signed a petition calling on Manchester University to move books by the Holocaust denier David Irving from open display on library shelves or to label them as 'Holocaust denial' literature.

'This is our village': How local Christians and a Catholic charity are rebuilding an Iraqi community brick by brick
Iraqi Christians returning to a historically Christian village in their country, Bartella on the Nineveh Plains, havedescribed rebuilding their community in interviews with the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) reported by the website Zenit.

Christians against a godless state? Another evangelical takes his conscience to court
An evangelical Christian former magistrate who publicly opposed gay adoption was more concerned about his 'publicity campaign' than his position as an NHS trust director, a tribunal has heard.

Another victim of violence: Mexican priest dies after attack during Mass
A Catholic priest who was attacked while celebrating Mass in Mexico City in May has died in hospital.

'God knows your suffering': Justin Welby prays for South Sudan's refugees in Uganda
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, prayed yesterday with South Sudanese refugees in northern Uganda, which is home to a nearly million fugitives from a four-year civil war in the world's youngest nation.

Anglican splits over sexuality: Now Uganda's archbishop confirms he won't attend October's Primates meeting
The Archbishop of Uganda, Stanley Ntagali, has said that he will not attend the next gathering of Anglican Primates in October because of divisions over sexuality issues.

Dwight McKissic defends staying in Southern Baptist Convention after fellow black minister announces departure
The black pastor who introduced a resolution condemning the alt-right at the Southern Baptist Convention's (SBC) annual meeting in June has set out why, despite the denomination's initial failure to pass it, he is staying in the Southern Baptists.

Hobby Lobby smuggling scandal: Israeli police arrest 5 antiquities dealers in Jerusalem
Israeli police arrested five antiquities dealers in Jerusalem over the weekend, seizing a range of artefacts including gold coins and ancient weapons as part of an international investigation into smuggled Iraqi items involving the evangelical-run crafts supply firm Hobby Lobby.

Influence, unprecedented access and an 'impact on policy': Are evangelicals tightening their grip on Trump's White House?
Richard Land, the predecessor to Russell Moore as head of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, confirmed liberals' worst fears this week when he said that the so-called religious right has gained 'unprecedented access' to the White House under Donald Trump's presidency, and is having an 'impact on policy'.

Iraqi town elects first ever Christian woman as mayor
The small Iraqi town of Alqosh on the troubled Nineveh Plain has elected a female Christian as mayor, in a first for that country.

Vatican promotes 'tourism with a human touch' in seasonal message
A senior cardinal has marked the summer period by urging tourists to be mindful of other people and the environment around them, respecting the dignity of their surroundings and fellow individuals.
Christians protest as new report shows devastating impact of Trump's refugee policies
As a result of changes in US policy under Donald Trump's presidency, global refugee resettlement is now predicted to fall by 30-40 per cent in 2017 as compared to 2016.

Making a splash: Methodist minister baptises 16-month-old toddler in the sea
A Methodist minister surprised holidaymakers this week when she baptised a baby in the sea at Weymouth beach.