Johannes Reimer

Reconciliation - the place between the chairs
Christian reconcilers are reconcilers "in Christ's stead". They work for peace and reconciliation as Jesus did.

Peace at the zero point
Especially in the Ukraine war with all its religious sub-themes, the churches should talk to each other and deal with the religious roots of this war.

Borders and peace
Vladimir Putin justifies his war against Ukraine by claiming to protect Russia at its historic borders. The question however is: what does he mean by 'historic'?

Ukraine's conscientious objectors are not cowards and traitors
Evangelical Christians should stand up for people who are unjustly forcibly recruited, sent to the front and forced to kill against their declared will and conscience.

The Gospel in the heart of Central Asia
Kazakhstan is strategically and geopolitically very well positioned between China, Europe and the Middle East, with a growing and vibrant evangelical church to influence this part of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A pilgrimage of grace and reconciliation in South Africa
South Africa's Christians have decided to close the past, heal their memories and start a peaceful, meaningful cooperation.

Bukhara: An ancient city experiences revival
One extraordinary development in Bukhara is the role of women in evangelizing in the area. In fact, the vast majority of evangelists and small group leaders among the new believers are women.

The war in Tigray has divided evangelicals, creating strong feelings against one another
Jesus is our peace. Millions of Ethiopians know Him. Now is the time to exercise peace across the nation.

Do evangelicals work for unity?
The evangelical world has become a divided and dividing body, constantly defining new and newer identities.