Jonah Hicap

Trans woman rejects policy that allows men to enter restrooms for women, urges separate facilities for transgenders
Trans woman rejects policy that allows men to enter restrooms for women, urges separate facilities for transgenders

A transgender woman is opposing the so-called bathroom bills that have become the subject of heated discussions in the U.S.

New York bishop defends undocumented workers, decries mass deportation plan
New York bishop defends undocumented workers, decries mass deportation plan

The bishop of Brooklyn in New York is defending undocumented workers in the US and decried any plan of mass deportation, which is being proposed by Republican presidential bet Donald Trump.

Church that nearly closed 20 years ago due to dwindling membership now a megachurch celebrating its 100th anniversary
Church that nearly closed 20 years ago due to dwindling membership now a megachurch celebrating its 100th anniversary

Twenty years ago, the Whitewater Crossing Christian Church in Cleves, Ohio was on the brink of closing as membership declined and the church experienced a fast turnover of pastors.

Pfizer bans sale of its drugs for use in lethal injection for capital punishment in U.S.
Pfizer bans sale of its drugs for use in lethal injection for capital punishment in U.S.

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has banned the sale of its drugs to be used for executions via lethal injection in the U.S. saying it manufactures drugs to save lives.

Christian artists act pre-emptively to protect their religious beliefs by asking court to nix state\'s anti-discrimination law
Christian artists act pre-emptively to protect their religious beliefs by asking court to nix state's anti-discrimination law

Two Christian artists have filed a pre-enforcement lawsuit against Phoenix City in Arizona, asking the court to declare its anti-discrimination law as unconstitutional and violative of their religious beliefs on marriage.

School cancels 70-year-old tradition of singing \'The Lord\'s Prayer\' after atheist group raises complaint
School cancels 70-year-old tradition of singing 'The Lord's Prayer' after atheist group raises complaint

An Ohio high school has stopped its 70-year-old tradition of singing "The Lord's Prayer" during graduation after a group of atheists complained that it promotes religion.

\'Path to self-destruction\': Catholic bishop blasts bills on physician-assisted suicides in New York
'Path to self-destruction': Catholic bishop blasts bills on physician-assisted suicides in New York

A New York bishop has denounced bills in the state legislature that would legalize physician-assisted suicides, saying these could lead to a "path of self-destruction."

Parishioners ending 12-year vigil at closed Massachusetts church after Supreme Court refuses to hear case
Parishioners ending 12-year vigil at closed Massachusetts church after Supreme Court refuses to hear case

Former parishioners of a closed church in Scituate, Massachusets have decided to end their 12-year vigil after the U.S. Supreme Court denied their request to hear the case on May 16.

Gay couple claim discrimination after Catholic archdiocese rejects headstone design for their cemetery plot
Gay couple claim discrimination after Catholic archdiocese rejects headstone design for their cemetery plot

Two plaintiffs in the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized gay marriage in the U.S. last year are accusing the Archdiocese of Louisville in Kentucky of discrimination after it rejected a headstone design they submitted.

Security guard arrested, charged with assault for pushing transgender out of restroom in D.C.
Security guard arrested, charged with assault for pushing transgender out of restroom in D.C.

A security guard at a grocery store in Washington, D.C. is facing charges of simple assault for pushing a transgender woman out of a restroom Wednesday.

Oklahoma governor vetoes bill that would make performing an abortion a felony, says it won\'t withstand legal challenge
Oklahoma governor vetoes bill that would make performing an abortion a felony, says it won't withstand legal challenge

Lawmakers in Oklahoma have passed a bill Thursday that bans abortion in the state by penalizing anyone who performs the procedure.

Pro-LGBT campaign gains ground in North America, Mexico: Canadian PM pushes for transgenders\' protection
Pro-LGBT campaign gains ground in North America, Mexico: Canadian PM pushes for transgenders' protection

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has tabled a bill that would protect transgenders from discrimination.

Churches in Florida welcome Venezuelans fleeing their country amid economic crisis
Churches in Florida welcome Venezuelans fleeing their country amid economic crisis

Churches in Orlando, Florida are helping families from Venezuela who have fled their country due to political and economic crisis.

South Carolina set to become 17th state in U.S. to ban abortion after 19 weeks gestation
South Carolina set to become 17th state in U.S. to ban abortion after 19 weeks gestation

Lawmakers in South Carolina passed a bill on Tuesday that prohibits abortion after 19 weeks of pregnancy.

U.S. military gets first openly gay leader as Eric Fanning is sworn in as Army Secretary
U.S. military gets first openly gay leader as Eric Fanning is sworn in as Army Secretary

The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed the appointment of Eric Fanning as U.S. Army secretary, becoming the first openly gay head of any military service in the country.

Man shot by female suspect after his baptism at Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Man shot by female suspect after his baptism at Seventh-Day Adventist Church

A man was shot at a church courtyard by a female member of the congregation after his baptism Saturday.