Jonah Hicap

8-year-old inspired by church lesson on giving raises thousands of dollars for Louisiana flood victims by sewing tissue holders
8-year-old inspired by church lesson on giving raises thousands of dollars for Louisiana flood victims by sewing tissue holders

Inspired by lessons from her church and school about giving, an 8-year-old girl is sewing to raise funds for the flood victims in Louisiana.

U.S. appeals court junks pastor\'s challenge to California gay conversion therapy law
U.S. appeals court junks pastor's challenge to California gay conversion therapy law

A U.S. appeals court has denied a case that challenged California's gay conversion therapy law for the second time, saying it did not violate the Free Exercise and Establishment Clause.

Foundation backs Christian baker in U.S. Supreme Court case over religious freedom
Foundation backs Christian baker in U.S. Supreme Court case over religious freedom

An Alabama-based foundation dedicated to the defence of the U.S. Constitution and religious freedom has filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court to support a Christian baker in Colorado who was ordered to make cakes for same-sex marriage celebrations in violation of his religious beliefs.

Top 5 reasons why U.S. churches went to court in 2015
Top 5 reasons why U.S. churches went to court in 2015

Sexual abuse of minors is the No. 1 reason why religious organisations went to court in 2015, according to a lawyer.

U.S. Air Force allows Bible at officer\'s workstation after investigation
U.S. Air Force allows Bible at officer's workstation after investigation

A U.S. Air Force unit has cleared an officer of violating the U.S. Constitution and allowed him to retain a Bible at his work station.

Father on trial for death of his sick baby because he believe prayer, not medicine, would heal
Father on trial for death of his sick baby because he believe prayer, not medicine, would heal

A father in Gwinnett County, Georgia is facing murder charges for the death of his sick baby, believing that prayer and not medicine could have saved the child.

Atheists force U.S. university to remove Bibles from its hotel rooms
Atheists force U.S. university to remove Bibles from its hotel rooms

An atheist organization has forced a university in Arizona to remove Bibles from its executive inn after it sent a complaint.

Princeton University\'s HR department bans use of words \'man\' and \'woman\'
Princeton University's HR department bans use of words 'man' and 'woman'

Princeton University's Human Resources Department has set new guidelines on what it calls "gender inclusive language" by barring the use of the word "man" in communications, policies, job descriptions, and job postings

Gender ideology harms children, paediatricians group tells educators, lawmakers
Gender ideology harms children, paediatricians group tells educators, lawmakers

A professional group of American paediatricians has urged educators and lawmakers to reject policies that normalise chemical and surgical sex change operations.

Texas attorney general affirms constitutionality of courtroom prayer
Texas attorney general affirms constitutionality of courtroom prayer

In a legal opinion, Texas' attorney general said that an opening prayer before a court proceeding and a voluntary chaplaincy program are constitutional and do not violate the Establishment Clause.

Christians now afraid to go to church in Philippines due to threats from Islamist radicals, priest says
Christians now afraid to go to church in Philippines due to threats from Islamist radicals, priest says

An Italian missionary living in southern Philippines has warned that people are now afraid to go to Mass due to perceived threats from Islamist radicals.

U.S. court upholds religious freedom case against transgender employee
U.S. court upholds religious freedom case against transgender employee

A Michigan federal court on August 18 ruled in favor of a funeral home sued by the state for dismissing a transgender employee who wanted to wear women's clothes at work.

Atheists file lawsuit against cross in Pennsylvania county seal and flag
Atheists file lawsuit against cross in Pennsylvania county seal and flag

Four residents and a group of atheists have filed a lawsuit over a cross depicted in a county seal and flag in Pennsylvania.

34 U.S. states allow religious exemptions from child abuse, neglect laws
34 U.S. states allow religious exemptions from child abuse, neglect laws

In many states in the U.S., parents are exempted from liability in civil child abuse statues arising from medical treatments for a child with the religious beliefs of parents, government data revealed.

Book to expose religious spies working for U.S. government in World War II
Book to expose religious spies working for U.S. government in World War II

A book by a university professor will expose the secret religious spies during World War II.

U.S. federal court resurrects Ten Commandments monument lawsuit
U.S. federal court resurrects Ten Commandments monument lawsuit

An appeals court has ruled that a parent has legal standing to sue to remove a Ten Commandments monument in front of a school in Pennsylvania.