Jonty Langley

As a Christian, I'm still supporting Oxfam. And so should you
As a Christian, I'm still supporting Oxfam. And so should you

If, in anger, you stop giving to Oxfam – because some of its staff did things you disagree with – and you still fill up with Shell after what they have allegedly done in Nigeria, you may be a hypocrite.

Britain\'s best Christian festival – now with added Muslims
Britain's best Christian festival – now with added Muslims

Greenbelt makes me proud to be a Christian – even in the moments when it gets things wrong. Because that is what the Church is meant to be about.

Four questions to ask yourself if you\'ve been posting outrage about Osteen and the Texas floods
Four questions to ask yourself if you've been posting outrage about Osteen and the Texas floods

The recent outpouring of bile towards Joel Osteen based on his response to the Texas floods, particularly by Christians, is just a little unfair. And unhelpful. So, if you, like me, just reposted stories about how the rich young ruler of bland churchianity failed us all, here are some questions to ask yourself. It's fun. Like a personality test.

Should Christians Have Their Own Awards Ceremony Where Its OK To Talk Politics – The Oscar Romeros?
Should Christians Have Their Own Awards Ceremony Where Its OK To Talk Politics – The Oscar Romeros?

Politics is everyone's business. Even celebrities. Even Christians.

Not So Much \'Onward\', As \'Repent\' Ye Christian Soldiers
Not So Much 'Onward', As 'Repent' Ye Christian Soldiers

Laughing at UKIP's 'Christian Soldiers' and calling them crazy ultimately does a disservice to the Church as a whole.