Kay Morgan-Gurr

It's harder to get a job if you're disabled
Even though research says that disabled people are in many ways more likely to be a great employee, many companies will do their best not to employ them.

To stand or not to stand
For many, the instructions we are given in a place of worship are not accessible.

Do we have 'institutional ableism' in this country?
It's not terminology I like, but it's worth asking.

Including disabled people in our mission and engagement plans
In everything we do and discuss in planning things to bless our communities, we need to have a marker to remind us to ask the disability question.

What is ableism and why should the Church care?
We have lots of words that end with 'ism', like racism, ageism, sexism and so on. But did you know that disability also has an 'ism'?

How churches can help people with disability survive the cost of living crisis
No disabled person should be in pain because they are too cold. Neither should someone have to choose between ventilating their child or eating.

Is living with Covid any life at all?
The term 'Living with Covid' has a totally different meaning for the 3.7 million people in Britain who are 'clinically extremely vulnerable' and those who are classed as 'vulnerable'.

United or divided behind the mask?
If we are excluding people from our worship because of our personal preferences, is it really worship at all?

The Church still sees disability as a tragedy needing to be fixed
Where there are disabled people in ministry, do we see them as 'an inspiration' just because of their disability, or a person gifted by God to minister?

Disabled people are being wrongly left out of climate talks
Sadly, this comes as no surprise to many disabled people because we tend to be an afterthought in most things, writes Kay Morgan-Gurr.

When churches are ready to livestream for evangelistic purposes but not for the disabled
How would you feel if you need the livestream to continue to access church, but the church announces they are only keeping it to act as an outreach to those nervous about church?

Disabled people shouldn't have to do something exceptional to be acceptable
Paralympians are seen as 'acceptable' disabled people because they are exceptional. When you look at the rising hate crime rates among the rest of us, you can see just how many of us are not acceptable disabled people.

Why, as a disabled woman, I wanted face masks and social distancing to stay
When we hear people voicing their concerns, it would be wiser to listen to those concerns, and include them in future decisions surrounding worship and pastoral care.

The disregard for disabled people during the pandemic is a national scandal
There should be a full inquiry into the failings, write Kay Morgan-Gurr.

Why the silence on disability?
It's good to be addressing diversity but if there's one thing I've noticed, some forms of diversity are more fashionable to follow than others â and that shouldn't be.

When Mother's Day feels more like a lamentation than a celebration
When my brother and I talk about family memories, especially about mum, they are rarely happy. We feel like 'brothers in arms' who have survived the maelstrom of war and come out the other side still intact ... just.