Lizzie Bassford

It takes a church: How I learned that caring for the poor needs a community
Over the last 20 years I have become increasingly aware that it takes a whole Christian community to love and care for the poor.

Why I don't care about putting on a perfect Christmas
There is nothing wrong with excelling at hospitality and there is certainly nothing wrong with opening up our lives to share with others in need.

Finding my true identity: What motherhood taught me about God
One of the hardest yet most shaping times of life has been the season of being at home with little ones.

Living waters: Why we need to pray for God to fill us to overflowing
The gospel is for every day, not just the day we were saved, because all the time God is saying, come to me.

Are parents getting it right in teaching children the faith?
I've often heard it said that many Christian parents expect the church's Sunday school or youth group to be the main teacher of faith in their child's life.

'Practise hospitality': The gospel witness of a home where people can be real
I've found myself caring a little bit less about the state of my house and a little bit more about the state of my heart.

Mustn't grumble: We're meant to be shining like stars
Life is hard. Suffering is a daily reality. Yet the God of the Universe promises that he is with us and one day he will return and all pain and suffering will end.

The lying voices of the enemy â and how to tell a different story
It's normally the middle of the night when the enemy's lies shout loudest in my ear.

Grace: It's for suffering Christians, not super-heroes
Last week I heard someone suggest that if they were to ever get a tattoo it would say, 'Grace given to me, for others.'

Steve's story: The cost of loving the lonely
Having burnt his bridges with any family years ago, he now lived alone and had few friends. But Steve was my friend and I cared deeply for him

Growing children in faith: How to read Scripture as a family
Last week I met an inspirational lady who survived a prison camp because of the way she clung to the truths she had memorised from Scripture.

Hannah: How the prophet Samuel's mother is a model for parents today
The task of parenting our children well can seem overwhelming at times.

When we feel we can't go on: Wisdom from Philippians
There are days that sometimes roll into seasons where life and ministry in the Kingdom of God seems so tough.

Why making time to pray is crucial for our evangelism
The call to prayer throughout the Bible isn't a call to legalism, it's a call to a deeper, more joyful, more contented life walking with Jesus.

Running the race: Lessons from a school sports day
Every runner in the race is equal. Every runner in the race is loved. Every runner in the race is saved by grace alone.

How parenthood impacted my relationship with Christ
Nothing can prepare you for the way a new little person impacts your heart, soul and strength.