Lucinda Borkett-Jones

Buddhists and Catholics travel to the Vatican to talk about the 'mystery of life'
Representatives from the Buddhist and Catholic communities in the US are holding an interreligious dialogue this week near Rome.

Whoopi Goldberg fooled by fictional story about Pastor John Hagee's views on women using God's name during sex
The panel show had a discussion about a fake story about Pastor John Hagee from a satire news site.

White supremacist who influenced Dylann Roof donated to 2016 Republican campaigns
The Republican candidates, including Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum, have said they will give campaign donations from a white supremacist to funds supporting the victims of the Charleston shooting.

ISIS suspends boys from a pole in Syria for 'not fasting in Ramadan'
ISIS has punished two boys in Syria by hanging them from a pole for eating during Ramadan, the month when Muslim's fast during daylight hours.

10 Bible verses that tell us the truth about love
The Bible has something to say about every kind of love there is: God's love for us, and our love for Him, the love between spouses, in families and between friends.

Nun sexually assaulted at missionary medical clinic in central India
A nun was sexually assaulted at the missionary-run medical centre where she worked in central India, police reported on Sunday.

Jerusalem Bishop: 'There is a real escalation in anti-Christian violence'
A Catholic bishop in Jerusalem has said the arson attack on an historic church near the Sea of Galilee last week is a sign of the growing threat of anti-Christian violence from extremist Jews.

Rick Warren's prayer for Charleston: 'Love is the only thing that can overcome evil'
Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, California, called all churches to pray for Charleston, South Carolina yesterday, after the shooting at Emanuel AME Church last Wednesday in which nine people were killed.

Anglicans should fast once a month for climate justice, says Bishop of Salisbury
The Bishop of Salisbury will propose that members of the Church of England fast and pray for "climate justice" on the first day of every month when he addresses the Church's General Synod in July.

Pope Francis says international community cares more about oil and weapons than persecuted Christians
The Pope has berated the international community for prizing "oil and weapons" above the lives of those persecuted for their faith in the Middle East, Vatican Radio reports.

Anne Graham Lotz: God 'allows' terrorist attacks as a 'wake-up call'
Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, has said that God allows terrorist attacks and natural disasters as a way of waking people up to their need for Him.

'We are living in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history'
David Garrison speaks to Christian Today about his book 'A Wind in the House of Islam', which documents the large numbers of Muslims who are turning to Christ around the world.

Government's extremism orders could spell 'disaster' for religious people says Bible college principal
The principal of an Anglican theological college has said that the government's proposed measures to tackle extremism could be a "disaster area" for people of all faiths.

Rachel Dolezal, civil rights campaigner who pretended to be black, resigns from NAACP
A white civil rights campaigner who pretended to black was yesterday resigned her position as president of her local branch of the National Association for the advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Bishops hold exorcism to 'drive away the Enemy' from Mexico
A Mexican cardinal has presided at a 'great exorcism', guided by a well-known Spanish exorcist, seeking to 'drive away the Enemy' from Mexico.

Gay Anglican priest begins discrimination case against Church
An Anglican priest who was barred from a job as a hospital chaplain because he is in a same-sex marriage begins his discrimination case against the Church at an employment tribunal today.