Maria Mackay

Evangelicals, ecumenists and Vatican launch historic joint document on mission

Joint document on ethics of missions marks new milestone in relations between World Evangelical Alliance, World Council of Churches and the Vaticans

Universities do not foment extremism – chaplain

Sheffield University chaplain hits back at Theresa May's claim that universities are not doing enough to tackle Islamic extremism

Seasons of the soul: Philip Yancey on tour

The wintry seasons in our life may be the hardest but they are also the times when we grow the most, says Philip Yancey.

Many churches, one purpose - Archbishop contemplates fresh expressions

Fresh Expressions pioneers and practitioners from across the UK explore the mixed economy of church

Pope says Jews are not responsible for death of Christ in new book

The Pope has reiterated that the Jewish people do not hold any collective guilt over the death of Christ.

Christians devastated over assassination of Pakistan\'s Minorities Minister
Christians devastated over assassination of Pakistan's Minorities Minister

Christians have expressed their sorrow over the assassination of Pakistan's Minorities Minister today.

Court ruling on Christian foster parents is ‘concerning’

The Christian Institute has described as “concerning” and “worrying” the guidance handed down from the High Court about the suitability of Christians with traditional views to be foster parents.

High Court upholds bar on Christian foster carers over homosexuality views

High Court suggests traditional Christian beliefs on sexuality are "inimical" to children

Christians can be ‘agents of forgiveness and reconciliation’ amid Middle East unrest

As another authoritarian regime crumbles in the Middle East, Terry Ascott has high hopes for the church in the region regardless of what replaces the old orders.

Pray that Libyan Christians will be bold, says Arab ministry

The best way that Christians in the UK can support their brothers and sisters in Libya is not to pray for their safety but for their "boldness", says Arab World Ministries.

World Council of Churches decides upon theme for next Assembly

‘God of life, lead us to justice and peace’ is the theme of the WCC’s 10th General Assembly

Christians urge Gove to include RE in English Baccalaureate

Christians from across the board are getting behind a major campaign to see Religious Education included in the new English Baccalaureate.

Iraqi Christians ‘still hopeful’ despite hardships

Christians in Iraq are under enormous pressure and the loss of life is an ongoing reality. Yet the very faith they are shedding their blood for is also the faith that continues to give them hope.

Church minister: The future of Sudan is 'so bright'

Church minister James Lagos Alexander is optimistic for the future of the world's newest nation

World Council of Churches looks forward to 'new' General Assembly in Korea

The World Council of Churches is hoping that its next General Assembly in Busan, South Korea, will be a little different from its meetings in the past.

Church leader calls for return to democracy in Madagascar

As former President of Madagascar Marc Ravalomanana prepares to return home, the leader of the largest church in the country is hoping for the restoration of democracy to the island nation.