Maria Mackay
Ireland Prepares to Welcome World Council of Churches Leader
Ireland is getting ready to welcome the head of the World Council of Churches next week.
Spring Harvest Expresses Regret at End of Word Alive Partnership
Spring Harvest, Keswick Ministries and the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship are looking towards new futures on different paths after taking the difficult decision to draw to an end their 14-year Word Alive partnership.
US Youth to Pray for Virginia Tech Victims
Young people from across the US are expected to gather on Capitol Hill in Washington DC on 2 May to pray for the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre last week.
Tear Gas on Hindu Mob to Protect Christians
A scuffle between a Catholic and a Hindu boy has sparked a violent attack on a Catholic parish in the troubled district of Jhabua in the central state of Madhya Pradesh, India, earlier in the month.
Norwegian Church Aid Bringing Water to 70,000 in Haiti
A new project from Norwegian Church Aid will bring fresh, clean water to 70,000 residents in one of the most deprived areas of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince.
Conference of European Churches Meets in Geneva
The Presidium of the Conference of European Churches will meet in Cartigny Geneva, at the Centre de Rencontres of the Protestant Church of Geneva, from 23-25 April 2007.
BMS World Mission Supports New Businesses in Afghanistan
The growth of new businesses in Afghanistan is being supported by BMS World Mission through the Micro Enterprise Development project in training new entrepreneurs.
Scottish Congregations Could be Hard Hit by Water Charges
A report to the Church of Scotland's General Assembly in May will sound the alarm over Scottish Executive plans to stop water charge exemptions for charities which could leave hundreds of congregations short in the pocket.
Interview: Riding Lights' Artistic Director on New Production 'African Snow'
The Riding Lights Theatre Company will hit London's West End this week with its brand new production African Snow in collaboration with York Theatre Royal.
US Christian Leaders Alarmed Over Hollywood Actor's Threat to Daughter
Christian leaders in the US have expressed alarm after Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin left an abusive voice message to his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland.
Bush Remembers Virginia Tech Victims
US President remembers the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre in his proclamation for the US National Day of Prayer on 3 May.
Young Christians to Hit Essex with Message of Christ
Young Christians will hit Essex with the Gospel this summer as part of an outreach week from Viz-A-Viz Ministries.
Scottish Christians Unclear on Meaning of Ecumenism, Audit Finds
The findings of a recent local ecumenical audit carried out by churches in Scotland have revealed a "lack of clarity" about the meaning of ecumenism among Scottish Christians.
Riding Lights to Hit West End with Slave Trade Production
The Riding Lights Theatre Company will hit London's West End next week with its brand new production African Snow in collaboration with York Theatre Royal.
European Church Body to Strengthen Orthodox-Protestant Dialogue
Conference of European Churches is to work on the development of sustained dialogue between Europe's Orthodox churches and the churches of the Reformation.
President Bush Commends China Aid Association for Religious Freedom Work
US President George W Bush has written to the founder of China Aid Association, the Rev Bob Fu, commending him for his efforts to bring greater religious freedom to Christians in China.