Maria Mackay

Scotland Catholic Church: Outrage as Schools to give Gay Sex Advice

New plans to introduce gay sex education to Scottish schools has been with anger and outrage from...

International Symposium Responds to Child Abuse in Rogue African-Led “Churches”

A major international symposium has responded to issues surrounding the abuse of children in “rogue churches”...

United Reformed Church Responds to Government's Action Plan on Sex Trafficking

The United Reformed Church has responded to the government's action plan against human trafficking in which it urges more care and support centres...

New CAFOD Campaign to Highlight Dirty Face of Gold Mining Industry

CAFOD has launched a new campaign which calls on high-street jewellery retailers to ensure their gold is ethically sourced...

Scottish Episcopal Church Elects New Primus

The Scottish Episcopal Church has elected a new Primus to replace the Rt Rev Bruce Cameron who retired at the end of April after...

Interview: Christian Aid's John McGhie on Climate Change

Christian Today caught up with Christian Aid's John McGhie on a report released by the humanitarian agency on climate change which called on the UK government to take the ...

UN, Archbishop Urge Asylum Seekers to End Dublin Hunger Strike

The Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin have called on a group of Afghan asylum seekers to end a hunger strike to stay in the country...

Sri Lankan Christians Face Increasing Persecution

Christians in Sri Lanka are in increasing danger as the number of violent attacks on churches has risen sharply...

MSP Urges New Talks to Tackle Bigotry in Scotland

MSPs have been urged to hold Scotland's first debate on how to tackle rife sectarianism and bigotry, not long after the problem was thrown...

Scottish Churches: Da Vinci Code 'Should Not Test Faith'

Churches in Scotland have come out to urge their followers not to let their faith be shaken by The Da Vinci Code as the film opens in cinemas...

CWS Remains Central to Pakistan Quake Recovery Eight Months On

Church World Service continues to support victims of the devastating earthquake in Pakistan last year through training and livelihood programmes...

Conference of European Churches: Civil Society Needs to be Involved

The Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) has highlighted the need for fresh thinking and...

Methodist Conference to Take Place in Scotland for First Time

The 384 voting members of the Methodist Conference will head to Scotland for the first time this year to tackle key issues head-on...

Scottish Churches Unite Against Nuclear Weapons System

Scottish churches put on a united front yesterday to campaign against any replacement for the nuclear weapons system Trident...

Church of Scotland Acknowledges Need to Improve Youth Dialogue

The Church of Scotland will be asked to develop new ways of reaching out to young people across the country at this year's...

Earl and Countess of Wessex Open Salvation Army Refuge

A new refuge centre for women and children who are victims of domestic abuse has been opened by Their Royal Highnesses the Earl...