Mark Yapching

India: Christian evangelists harrassed by police in Jaipur
Twenty Christian evangelists were reportedly harassed and beaten by police in India's Rajasthan state.

Anti-Semitism on the rise in US and Europe, Franklin Graham warns
Franklin Graham warned that anti-Semitism is once again on the rise, this time in the US as well as in Europe.

Catholic publications call for end to capital punishment
Four Catholic publications have issued a joint statement denouncing the death penalty and calling for its abolition.
Lebanese PM and UN humanitarian chief meet to discuss refugee crisis
Lebanon's Prime Minister Tammam Salam has met with two representatives from the United Nations to discuss the refugee crisis in Lebanon.

ISIS executes another 'gay' man by throwing him off building
The Islamic State has put to death another young man by throwing him off the tallest building in Raqqa, its de facto capital in Syria.

Mohammed Emwazi's father denies recognising son from video, threatens lawsuit against 'rumours'
Jassem Emwazi, the father of Mohammed Emwazi, has denied reports that their son is the masked jihadist known as Jihadi John.

US, Iraq clash on Tikrit campaign timetable and Iranian involvement
Reports have surfaced of disagreements between Iraqi and American officials over an ongoing offensive against the Islamic State.

Assyrians begin to enter Lebanon
Assyrian Christians fleeing the Islamic State's terror in Syria have begun to enter Lebanon.

Franklin Graham thanks councillors who voted 'No' on Charlotte transgender restroom ordinance
Franklin Graham thanked the Charlotte City councillors who voted against the controversial "transgender restroom" ordinance on Monday.

Indian right wing organisation defends re-conversion efforts
The Indian nationalist organisation Vishwa Hindu Parishad has defended its re-conversion activities and instead called for a law to illegalise conversions from Hinduism.

Franklin Graham is an 'apostle of hatred' - critic
Franklin Graham described as an "apostle of hatred" by United Methodist minister Rev. William E. Alberts.

Pope Francis gives Catholics tips on preparing for confession
Pope Francis recently gave out free booklets to 50,000 people with tips and pointers for self-reflection to help prepare themselves for confession.

Teenage girl killed by crowd after being suspected of suicide bombing
A teenage Nigerian girl was killed by a crowd after she was suspected of being a suicide bomber.

Cameroonians call for death of Boko Haram leader
Protesters marched in Cameroon's capital on Saturday and called for the death of the leader of Boko Haram, the radical Islamist group that is terrorising parts of the country.

US Secretary of State remains optimistic for ceasefire deal in Ukraine
US Secretary of State John Kerry remains optimistic of the outcome of peace negotiations in Eastern Ukraine despite accusing rebel forces of a "piecemeal" approach to the ceasefire agreement.

'Duck Dynasty' star backs up Alabama Supreme Court chief justice
The star of popular reality TV show Duck Dynasty has voiced support for Chief Justice Roy Moore of the State of Alabama.