Matt White

When Christians leave, can we still love?
The treatment of an Arsenal footballer who transferred to a French team has something it can teach us about how Christians should respond when "one of us" decides to leave the fold.

Jo Brand's 'ill-judged' joke and the challenge of comedy
I've always admired Jo Brand but this week she got it wrong

Is it worth crying over thrown milkshakes?
There are some people I'd never vote for and I'd actively campaign against their ideology, but I wouldn't throw a milkshake

#PrayforRHE: Why our heavenly petitions don't come with a scoring system
People finding themselves wanting to join in the chorus of prayers for Rachel and her family, but somehow feeling like they needed to first preface it with a positional statement.
Flying tankers and a rush for answers: a lesson from Notre-Dame
Like the 45th President of The United States of America, I sometimes find myself facing someone's situation or confronted with another's problem and before I can help it, I've blurted out some unsolicited, unnecessary advice.

Preachers and their very expensive sneakers: why we shouldn't be so quick to judge
Pastors in Yeezy's and Nike Air Max costing thousands of dollars a pair are easy to knock but I wonder how I'd feel about my outfits being scrutinised as somehow an indication of my sincerity or integrity as a Christian

Turning shotguns into sharing platters: why we all need to mind our Brexit language
It's tempting to adopt a battle stance when it comes to Brexit, but as the discourse on this issue of huge national significance has shown, there's no worse way to engage

Brexit, loyalty and the politics of the playground
A few years ago, a wise friend told me that real loyalty isn't just following what someone else does, it's living up to their values even when they can't.

In defence of the gentle man
Greg Morse is just the latest in a growing list of men who want to explain how Christian men should behave.

Counting bricks: a lesson in accountability from a bankrupt church
Just a glimmer of accountability, a chance to support not through blind compliance but by making sure the bricks stack up.
Between a rock and a hard Brexit: What Would Jesus Do?
There's this story in the Bible where Jesus is out and about and suddenly he finds himself in the middle of a disturbance.

The Spice Girls and Westlife can do it â sort of. Why can't Christians deal with comebacks?
Maybe some doors are too heavy to hold open? Maybe some burnt bridges can't be rebuilt?

Heckling Jeff Sessions: Lessons about patience from a pastor's protest
We've recently had to start a new list in our house. It's not my son's letter to Santa, that started back in March. This is a list of 'banned words'.

Ashers Bakery: The £500k cost of this Supreme Court case isn't the only price to pay
Sadly for many, myself included, the case has been labelled a battle between two communities that neither side fully represents or speaks for, and that can have no real winners.

'No significant change': Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford and America's lost art of listening
It makes me want to scream, like an impatient four-year-old with a lot to say: 'ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!?!'

England vs Croatia: Chalking it up as a win
And so, just like that, it's all over. But what a journey! It's easy to see last night as a loss. Technically it is.